So tonight me and my boyfriend are having a threesome with a girl that I know but the girl said she just wants to eat me out and I eat her out , while she watches my boyfriend f*ck me … I wanna make sure my boyfriend enjoys it too though .. do guys actually enjoy just watching two girls go at it or would that be boring for him? Would a guy actually be turned on f*cking his girlfriend while she eats a girl out ? I’m new to this so any advice would help !

  1. I mean you really have to ask him if that is ok.

    Most men would be thrilled with this arrangement but we are all different. If he is not interested in nonreciprocal 3rd partners then that is a perfectly OK thing for him to feel.

    For instance me personally no thanx on that arrangement. I can live with you piv or even oral but if there is a third person I atleast want to he welcome to use my hands to touch them.

  2. A lot of guys are stoked to just watch, without even having to join in at that moment, and it can lead to some pretty hot sex between just the two of you later.

    Sure, *some* guys won’t be into not directly engaging your third, but if he’s not into it, just remember that the answer is “I understand, we don’t have to have a threesome,” not “I understand, let’s pressure the other person into sex acts they don’t want, and if we’re”nice” about it, it’s okay!”

  3. Make sure he knows this ahead of time. The last thing you want is for either of them to feel uncomfortable because they didn’t know the others boundaries.

  4. He would not be bored by watching I don’t think. But yes to your other questions. Also please talk about boundaries before anything. That is what’s most important.

  5. A convo about this with him (and possibly her) would be smart. iFrom experience it’s fun to watch a girlfriend enjoy another partner, but if he’s mostly just watching you might think of ways to keep the two of you connected. Flashing sexy eye contact with him every once in a while. Letting him hold you while she’s down on you, or letting him finger you or smash while you’re down on her will keep him feeling connected and wanted. Have so much fun!

  6. For men threesomes are like pizza….even if it isnt the best pizza…it’s still pizza and we’re gonna enjoy it.

    The best advice is simple….dont overthink it and temper your expectations. Relax and do what comes naturally.

  7. My hubby loves watching me and another woman play.
    Yeah he wishes he could get involved but he also enjoys the blowjob he gets afterwards or during the event while she eats me.
    Trust us he will enjoy.

  8. Can I ask how you found a girl willing to participate? I want to arrange a threesome in the future with my bf, when I’m comfier but absolutely open to it. I don’t want it to be my best friend or a friend in general, I want it to be a mutually open female, same age(ish?), someone we both are sexually attracted to.. Is there a tinder for this kinda thing LOL?

  9. (51F) It’s VITAL that boundaries are set and everyone knows their place in YOUR bedroom! There’s a LOT more to it and doing it correctly the first time can make or break a relationship that doesn’t have a SOLID foundation⛓

    Have fun❣️

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