Don’t have much experience at 29 and but this the first time in a LONG time I’ve really felt a connection with a girl and i’m nervous. I’ll be fine when i get there but man the anticipation… Its almost too good to be true, she’s smart, pretty, athletic, seems very nice and family orientated, has a good job..

I told her I’m looking forward to meeting her and she said “me too, it will be a nice treat after working all day”… She actually messaged me first as soon as we matched. In all honesty, I really respect her for her profession and she’s been working really hard for a promotion. I think she’s probably been stressed I want to make tonight good for her. I’ve just never heard a girl call a date a “treat”.. I’m not really DTF on the first and i’m pretty confident she isn’t either.



Not sure how it went, she was actually sort of awkward, tense and uptight but friendly, she honestly seems really similar to me. Anyways it seemed to be going well, but about 50 minutes in she gets up to use the bathroom. She comes back and a minute later the waiter brings the bill. I still wasn’t done eating, and felt rushed. Anyways I think she asked the waiter for the bill when she got up. She offered to split, I paid and she asked what my plans where for later… I said nothing and she said she had to get going to study for her promotion.

I know she’s been studying a lot and is overwhelmed and tired. But it left me confused, she thanked me for the dinner I said maybe we can do it again and she said yes, in a couple weeks after the exam. We walked back to our cars, no hugs but she said thanks and get home safe. I’ll text her today saying it was nice meeting you. I’m not to crazy about the way it ended. I feel like if she really wanted to see me again it would be sooner. Honestly I’m not sure I want to see her again anyways.

  1. She probably means she just excited as you are. And she gets to do something fun for once and not just go home and be bored. Don’t read too mich into it yet. I think you got a good thing going here.

  2. You’re reading into this too much. She just means it’s nice to have something to look forward to.

  3. Omg. Don’t stress about it. She’s looking forward to this. It’ll be fun after a long day/week. Maybe she’s thinking a night out with a nice person like is a little reward after working so hard. Relax. Have fun.

  4. Dude you are wayyyyyy over thinking this. Don’t even try to get her home on a first date. Honestly even if she wants to I’d still turn it down if you like her.

    Just go and enjoy yourself. Be yourself chat and find out about her. Dating apps are whacky things so just get to know her.

  5. Aren’t dates a treat? You’re inviting someone out to enjoy a meal together with the prospect of a romantic relationship developing as a result. Wouldn’t you classify that as a welcome treat? Don’t overthink things my friend. You’ll end up sabotaging yourself.

  6. 🤦🏼‍♀️”treat” does not equal sex

    Interpretation: I am also looking forward to seeing you; especially after working all day.

  7. Yeah…you are overthinking. It just means, it’s a nice thing to do after an stressful day at work.

  8. Why are you reading so much into this? She’s looking forward to doing something nice after work?

  9. My dude, I call every bright spot in my life a treat – get to leave work early? What a treat! Get to go to bed at 7:30 on a Friday with freshly washed sheets and shaved legs? TREAT

    It’s a great thing. She’s hyped, just relax and enjoy a nice treat!

  10. She just means she’s looking forward to a nice time hanging out lol she definitely wasn’t referring to sex

  11. The read I get from this is that she’s looking forward to a break from her normal after work routine (which I’m willing to bet is probably pretty boring, lol). Honestly, I’d be calling it a treat too.

  12. Before you meet someone in person it’s really easy to imagine someone how you want them to be. You can receive all their texts how you ideally imagine them to have been said. You imagine their mannerisms and personality to be how you ideally would like it to be. When texting someone from online it’s very similar to reading a book and envisioning the characters as you want. Most of the time when they movie comes out you’re disappointed with the casting.

    Don’t be nervous. You have nothing to lose. This girl could be amazing but she could also not be everything you imagined. Take the pressure off the first date.

    Good luck!

  13. Just means she’s looking forward to it. Don’t stress my dude, relax and be yourself. Hope it goes well!

  14. Way overthinking. She just means having a date will be a nice thing after work.

    Over investing too, that nervous energy is gonna be a turnoff, settle down.

  15. You are reading way too much into this. She means she is looking forward to the date. That’s it.

  16. The “treat” is going on a date with someone she’s clearly into. No need to read into it.

  17. You literally told her you are looking forward to meeting her and she responded similarly just with different words. It’s pretty obvious what it means.

  18. You’re overthinking because you don’t have much experience. Try doing the things that help you relax

  19. Lol what? Going out to dinner is always a nice treat, especially if you spent all day working, nice to go somewhere to relax and eat. What’s the confusion lol

  20. I was expecting this to be you overthinking about “treat” meaning “you pay for everything and I save money I’m so excited!” thought process…

    With respect, in my wildest overthinking days I wouldn’t have imagined she meant “can’t wait to have sex with you casually on our first date” when she said the word treat…

    Everyone’s already hammered the point home so I won’t beat a dead horse here, just found it amusing. Enjoy your date and try not to overthink every word and detail! Just have a good time

  21. No offence – but if you can read into something as simple as what she said and try and complicate it as such ..
    I’d be worried for her because what else are you gunna try and blow outta proportion over things she says .


  22. You already like her too much. Stop while you’re ahead or it will push her away. Be moderate, don’t overthink.

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