Recently joined a new gym, and there’s this girl that keeps shooting me looks and stares. I’m almost 99% certain they’re looks of attraction and invitations to approach but there’s a slight chance I just look funny to her or something lol. But bottom point is I’m certain the intent is flirtatious and I’m not quite sure how to go about doing anything about it or what to even say. I’m just getting a bit of anxiety about the whole thing too I’ve never done anything like this before just not quite sure how to get the ball to roll . Even though I know my chances are good that fear still lingers on in the bottom of my stomach and heart. I also have a stutter so at moments of anxiety such as this I might stutter a lot and look really stupid I don’t know how to keep my cool in a situation like this. My self-esteem is also on thin ice so if it backfires this could really shatter it. I’ve been a little terrified of the prospect ever since although I’m probably vastly overthinking it and it’s been on my mind ever since.

Any help? Please.



1 comment
  1. The gym is tough, because women are always on the defense against getting talked up. But if you are sure she is throwing glances, why not just introduce yourself by saying, Hi I’m Matt or whatever. See if she talks back at you.

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