Every time I butter a piece of bread I think/sing to myself “I’m in the streets, I’m in the gutter, it’s years since I’ve had bread and butter”. This happens literally every time.. I think it’s from a long forgotten sitcom from the nineties… is there something like this that you do? I also sing Radiohead’s “everything… in its right place” when tidying up.. every time…

  1. Oh yes, every time I hear the words “we’re moving!” – for example if we’ve been stuck in traffic that starts moving again – my mind completes it with “…Rosie”, as in “we’re moving, Rosie!” from Rosie and Jim.

  2. I had a good 6 month period where the Bergerac theme song would pop into my head, totally unbidden, when I was getting stuff prepped at work. I figured it was either a stress thing or I was developing some sort of condition.

  3. Can’t write the word beautiful without thinking “B, E, A, utiful” in Jim Carey’s voice.

  4. Whenever my younger relatives are round and someone knocks, I annoyingly will start singing, there’s somebody at the door…

    I think it was from Rod Hull and Emu?

  5. Judas Priest – Breaking the law

    “Painting a door, painting a door!”

    “Mowing the lawn, mowing the lawn!”

    “Cleaning the floor, cleaning the floor!”

  6. Every time I handle spuds: PO-TA-TOES ^boil ^em ^mash ^em ^stick ^em ^in ^a ^stew.

    And we’ve nicknamed Ceylon tea “toaster tea”. Ceylon sounds like Cylon, and one of the nicknames for the Cylons was ‘toaster’.

  7. Whenever giving or receiving an appraisal always have the office scene when David Brent is talking to keith trying to get him to pick
    1 excellent
    2 very good
    3 good
    4 poor
    5 don’t know and keith keeps asking him what the options are only to then keep picking don’t know

  8. I think of that scene from Arachnophobia every time I reach up into a lamp to turn it on. I much prefer ones with the switch on the cord XD

    I also frequently think “let’s have a sneaky peeky”.

  9. Light is green, trap is clean… From Ghostbusters, when I’m sitting at a red that turns green.

  10. “Bread and butter”….it’s from season one of Game On, I think. The Ben Chaplin season.

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