If you could choose anyone to just hang out and shoot the shit with, would it be your wife/girlfriend, or someone else? Is it a problem if the answer is no?

  1. I recognize this may be a contrarian view here, but honestly, no. I have a list of probably ten guys I’d rather spend time with discussing politics, business, sports, investments — indeed, a whole range of topics – than my wife of ten years.

  2. Yeah, my wife is. If I had a best guy friend it would probably be him just because there are some things you can talk about with another guy that you just can’t talk about with your wife, in my opinion. But my guy friends at the moment are really just acquaintances, so my wife is definitely my best friend.

  3. I don’t think your long term partner has to be #1, but they’ve got to be pretty high up on the list of people you like spending time with.

    Why be with them otherwise?

  4. She’s probably not who I spend the most time with, but I certainly enjoy spending time with her the most.

  5. No, but mostly because we spend so much time together that we don’t have as much to talk about anymore. My brother and my dad are probably my favorites to sit and talk to for a while, but I don’t see them that often, so we always have a ton to talk about.

  6. No, I doubt if the reverse is true too. We know each other too well and have been married too long.

  7. Outside of work I already spend most of my time with her. So, hanging out and shooting the shit, in this case, probably means doing something outside of your normal routine, and therefore kind of has to be with someone else, no?

    Anyway, I love the time I spend with my gf. But I have my guy time to spend with friends that I love to just hang out with.

  8. Yes, absolutely! One of the reasons I can’t ever imagine us splitting up is because we’re just so comfortable around each other and enjoy each other’s company so much. We both have fairly diverse interests so we don’t run out of things to talk about, but we also don’t feel the need to be talking about something all the time when we’re together, either.

  9. Nope, I prefer to be with other people. Yes, it’s a problem. We simply lost our ability to communicate. I think I’m in a doomed relationship.

  10. Yes, by far. It’s the most important aspect of our relationship in my view. Sometimes you don’t have as much sex or whatever, but if I didn’t want to spend time with her, I would take it as a serious red light.

  11. “Long term wife.” Heh.

    I would say yes, and there are a few components to why. Not all of them are necessarily positive.

    * As others have posted already, my wife is my best friend for most values of ‘best friend,’ so yeah. Our interests, values, sense of humor overlap about 80%.
    * Part of relationship maintenance is trying new things together, even things that seem boring to you but interesting to her. This may not sound sexy, but it pays big dividends.

    * Finally, there’s laziness: anytime I want to do anything, she’s right there and usually down for it, and vice versa. And when she’s not, that’s when I call a buddy. She’s always got the “right of first refusal.”

    Because of the above, “no” is not really a problem (for me). If I want to spend time with other people instead, I’ve got it banked.

    Generally though, if you’d rather spend time with your bros than with your wife, then yeah, that’s probably a red flag.

  12. I am single, but in the past, no, my girlfriends generally weren’t my favorite person to spend time with minus the potential for sex.

    But there have been one or two that for a short time, would be my number one choice.

    It’s just difficult to find a girl who likes talking about sports and/or the other stuff I like as much as I do.

  13. Husband, absolutely. Might be easier for guys to relate socially (dunno, though, have no clue).

  14. By far. We spend almost all of our free time together and never, ever get bored or feel like its too much.

  15. Oh, absolutely! She’s my bestie and adventure buddy all the way. There’s pretty much no-one I’d rather hang with. We both love gin, motorcycles, taking photos, and international travel.

    We are never, ever, bored or sick of each other.

  16. I have many friends whom I equally enjoy company with and attempt to equally divide my time.

  17. That’s a pretty good question. I probably would choose to hang out with my fiancee over anyone else, but I don’t think it’s necessarily a problem if your SO isn’t #1 on your list. It can be a bad thing (if the reason is that there’s something you feel you have to “hide” from her, and keeping the facade up is stressful, for instance), though.

  18. My wife is. However, in the past year, I don’t believe I am her favorite anymore. Oh well…

  19. Yeah, absolutely.

    For about a year and a half I worked with, lived with, commuted with, did activities with, cooked with, slept with, showered with my girlfriend. That scene in HIMYM where they “go get eggs” together, that was us.

    I recently changed situations and now we don’t work together anymore. It’s been a huge shift, and I miss her all the time. We still talk a lot on chat, but it’s not the same. She’s, by far, the person who understands me the most, and I get really happy whenever she comes into sight.

    If that stopped being true, then someone else would probably become my primary.

  20. Definitely. I have other friends, male and female, that I can hang out with and play video games, shoot the shit, etc.
    But with or without the friends around, my wife brings out the best in me. I have more fun and act more social when she’s with me.

  21. Of course! I wouldn’t have married someone who wasn’t my favourite person to hang out with.

  22. Hard to say because we’re always hanging out though? That’s kinda what marriage is?

    But yeah if I went three weeks on a desert island and had the opportunity to catch up with whoever I wanted to afterwards it would be her.

  23. Wouldn’t that depend on her personality? We don’t need blanket rules when people are different 🙂

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