I feel like it’s a lose-lose situation for me because if I socialize like a functioning member of society, and talk about all the tiny details about things I frankly don’t super care about, I am exhausted at the end of the day. It’s draining! But on the other end, if I don’t do that or make an effort to (and it is an effort for me) I feel like an outcast, and I feel bad.

Just feeling discouraged. Socializing with coworker is not and honestly has never been fun for me. In fact, thinking back on it, socializing with a friend group even was exhausting. Anyone have some words of wisdom? It seems I recharge best either alone or with people who I feel truly understand me.

1 comment
  1. I don’t have words of wisdom as I’m also struggling with social skills. All I can say is I 100% relate to you, it seems the only reason why we need to get better at social skills is to make the other person feel comfortable. Annoying, yes but I think it might be a necessary evil to do in order to fit into society

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