I’m not great at starting relationships to begin with and I don’t know how far is to far with flirting in the work place.

I (m24) want to ask my co-worker(f22) out but I’m really bad at reading a situation, I’ve been trying to flirt which for me is just going out of my way sometimes to talk to her about random stuff.

  1. The same way you ask out someone you don’t work with.

    >I’m not great at starting relationships

    Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Who said anything about a relationship? Don’t put so much pressure on yourself. That’s why it’s so hard to do this

  2. You don’t.

    Never fuck or date co-workers. it will create a toxic workplace for everyone when it falls apart.

  3. The general consensus is that you don’t date co-workers. But I wonder if that still applies if they work in different departments. I wouldn’t date someone with in my department thb

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