Met this guy I really like but he drinks more than seems reasonable but I am not sure. As an example, tonight in 2 hours he drank an entire bottle of wine. He is about 40, in shape and tall. Weighs about 180 I would guess. I couldn’t definitely smell it on him and he seemed unsteady but was able to maintain conversation and control.
At one point should I worry and do I address it or just move on?

  1. If you’re only just starting to date him, just be aware that he’s not under any obligation to change for you. You can bring up the topic candidly and see what he says about his “hobby”. However if he is already showing this side of himself so early on and that makes you uncomfortable, you do need to decide soon as to whether you are ok with dating him as he is. Don’t date the potential, date the person. Alcoholism destroys lives.

  2. thats completely subjective. i can drink damn near 80 ounces of liquor over a weekend if we’re partying every night. and maybe another 20 over the course of the week if im having cocktails. but that doesnt mean im acting like an idiot and blacking out and vomiting. some people know how to drink and some dont.

  3. When it affects your life it is too much. When you start showing up late for work or other events. When you neglect responsibilities. When you get into trouble or get arrested. When it affects your health.

    This just sounds like he was having a good time one night. Not enough info to determine if he is an alcoholic. Plus, alcoholism is a self-diagnosed disease.

  4. The CDC defines “binge” drinking as having 5 or more servings of alcohol in one sitting. A bottle of wine is about 5 glasses. Those are small pours, btw. I can drink a bottle of wine in 3 pours.

    That being said, this may be the first time he’s done it in awhile. Maybe he only does it on weekends. If it’s an every night thing? Sure, that’s gonna eventually be a problem, and this is coming from a guy that loves his wine.

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