As a teen, I wasn’t interested in sex. I can literally count on one hand the amount of times I tried to jerk off before the age of 18. It just was “meh” to me. I promised myself I wouldn’t date before the age of 30.

Well, I’m in my very early 30s now. I’ve dated a few people (lots of longterm relationships), and I’ve been flattered to have people recently express crushes on me or hint they’re into having sex. But… I just don’t feel interested in sex or dating.

I don’t know how to explain that I’m “meh” about it without making them think it’s specifically about them?

I don’t know if I *want* to want it. Sex kind of feels like binge watching reruns of shows I’ve seen so many times they’re no longer enjoyable.

It bothers me because I feel like an outsider to other adults. Like, I feel like a kid in a negative way, like everyone went through puberty and I got left behind.

Has anyone notice their interest in sex plummeting at certain points in their life?

  1. Maybe you’re asexual. There’s definitely nothing wrong with that; in fact there’s a lot of people in that same boat so you’d get to be part of an awesome community!

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