What is a compliment that you have received that made you embarrassed? Do all men feel this way after getting a compliment?

  1. I’ve been called cut several times by both men and woman. But nah, compliment don’t make me uncomfortable. I think the only thing a compliment would make me feel uncomfortable is if it makes me feel vulnerable.

  2. Idk, but the rush you feel after a legit compliment totally outweighs and “embarrassment” you might feel

  3. No, I don’t get how people seem to miss the concept that the actions of one or a few men don’t mean we are all like this.

  4. I was showing a couple of people my Before-After transformation pictures & one of them said our goal is to look like your Before

  5. I don’t know if “uncomfortable” is the word I’d use but I don’t like them. I find them difficult to respond to if I’m trying to have a conversation.

  6. Embarrassed? The closest thing was being called “cute and brutal” from a young woman once. I asked what she meant by brutal and she was pretty much on the nose with it.

  7. I’m in pretty good shape and ppl complimenting my body in any way makes me extremely uncomfortable

  8. When woman calls me “beautiful”

    Like honestly what do I say to that? Thank you? “Haha you are too!” It’s just awkward!

  9. After not getting a haircut for a few months, during which time I hit the gym 3 hours a day 6 days a week, my hair stylist told me repeatedly that I’m looking “really really good” while licking her lips. She proceeded to hit on me the whole time she was cutting my hair and all of the girls in the shop were staring at me the whole time. This is one of those shops where they cater specifically to men and all of the stylists are hot younger women (early to mid 20s).

    It was nice and a little embarrassing at the same time. Especially seeing a half dozen fat guys giving me the evil eye as I walked through the waiting area on my way out after the haircut.

  10. I very rarely get compliments, so yes, every single one is likely to cause me extreme embarrassment and discomfort.

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