How important is income/education in a partner?

  1. Income – I care that they are financially responsible, have a decent job, and can support themselves while also having extra spending and saving money.

    Education – I personally value education and wouldn’t be compatible with someone who doesn’t also value education.

  2. education is all relative… I’ve found some of the smartest, nicest and most fun people to
    be around aren’t highly educated in the traditional sense.. the ones I’m referring to were all self taught and made their passion their job. They are happy great people to be around!

    Income can be important, but a connection is far more important… people can lose jobs, for many reasons…. It’s the person that truly counts!!

  3. Income, not that important, education, id like for them to be able to hold a conversation, and someone who likes learning new things is nice

  4. I’m more worried about how they handle their finances than anything else. I’ve busted my butt to get my kids and I to where we are financially. Someone with a huge amount of debt or that can’t take care of their financial responsibilities won’t work for me.

  5. Income is not important to me right now because I’m currently unemployed, so I’m in no position to turn someone down for that. However, I would expect a partner to have at least a high school diploma, a GED, or in the process of getting their GED.

  6. I had a laundry list of traits I wanted in a partner then I met my husband and love deleted it. We push each other up. While being together he went back to school and now has his dream job and makes great money. To each their own but nothing compares to true love and supporting each other.

  7. I feel like the intention or values behind them are more important than the outcomes.
    My husband dropped out of university before he finished his course, and now he’s a soldier, so he’s not the most well-paid or well-educated guy in the world. However, he does have a strong work ethic, and a desire to learn. He is passionate about lots of different subjects, and can put in the effort to learn about things he finds interesting. Some of the most intelligent people I know didn’t get as far as I did in formal education, but are still very clever, witty and passionate about their favourite topics.

    So I don’t think it’s necessarily important to marry a millionaire with a PhD, but it is important to seek someone who is hard-working, is always trying to improve themselves, and has a passion for learning about something. If nothing else, it makes for more interesting conversation than marrying a dullard.

  8. It’s important to me. It’s not the only things I look at but it’s definitely important. I like intelligent conversations. I also desire financial security.

  9. They’re at the top of important qualities. I don’t like stressing about money and I need someone who reads and constantly wants to learn.

  10. Income – I’m quite okay financially and I don’t care much about it. I’ve been the main source of income in relationships in the past and I like spoiling partners and giving them gifts or paying for them. Of course if they earn more that means more dates but it’s never somenthing I care about.

    Education – I don’t care much about formal educacion but I guess I appreciate someone who likes to learn. I have a hard time focusing on things I want to learn myself but I definetely have a lot of drive torwards education and I like to be around people that push forward with me in that sense

  11. I think having things in common are important, but I do value just taking the time to learn things (even through YouTube videos, Podcasts, etc., not just higher education) so I think the certificate doesn’t matter, just have that drive?

    As for income, I think having someone who is independent and stable is quite important to me. I didn’t have a lot of financial stability growing up, and I don’t really want to worry about it. (I’m a student, but I’m working so I can eventually have a decent income of my own).

  12. Income – they need to make an honest income and afford to take care of themselves.

    Education – I’m open to both formally educated or self taught people but I respect people who try to make something of themselves than those who don’t.

  13. Income – very important because I have a good job with a lot of income myself. I don’t want anybody nagging about me making more money. So the same amount would be nice.

    Education – also very important. I find smart men really attractive.

    Luckily I married all of the above <3

  14. Very important. I’m not looking for anyone to support me but they need to be able to support themselves and potential children. I’ve also come to find with a lot of people if they feel unfulfilled financially or with work they tend to be less secure with themselves which bleeds into the relationship. Imo education matters less than how much they enjoy what they’re doing. That’s at least 8 hours of their life. If they’re miserable about it chances are they’ll pass on that misery.

  15. To me personally, these two factors are important but not the most important in a person. I try to find a partner whose education matches my level/desired level. A certain level of income is important to me, like it makes more sense to date somebody who wants and can manage the same kind of lifestyle that I do. Its not a make or break because income and employment status can change quickly! There are points in your life that you risk it all on a 50% pay cut to do what you love, or where you find yourself in a windfall. I think a consistency in employment/income is more important than just a high income.

  16. Income- That they can support themselves and that they are comfortable talking about money.

    Education- This is a big one for me. I have a huge love of learning and like watching documentaries or sharing articles with my partner. Bonus points for enjoying reading.

  17. Both important; to maintain a good life and build a family the income would play a huge part in that and you’ll feel safe and secure about your life. And, education’ll help you to have a better understanding for others, interesting conversations and help you to build character for you and your family.

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