Hello my fellow peeps, I’m looking for serious advice regarding a situation that my parents are facing. Any advice or insight is welcomed.


I’ll keep it short and concise. My sister is 30 years old with a 10 year old kid. The biological father hasn’t been in the picture for 8-9 years. My sister is an absent unemployed parent, she destroyed her marriage of 6 years, acquired another boyfriend before finalizing the divorce, and is facing an eviction.


My sister is a severely depressed compulsive liar and can’t get her shit together. Our parents have essentially taken care of her kid since birth and they’re terrified of losing their grandchild because of her incompetence. She won’t get critical papers notarized for them to assume guardianship, she sleeps all day and spends all night with her bf, she hasn’t even started packing her shit up for the eviction, and cps has gotten involved because her child said some stuff to the guidance counselor at school regarding the ex husband.

My parents are great to her child and want to gain custody so she can fuck off and do whatever she wants, like she’s always done. What should/can my parents do? How do you parent an adult child?

TLDR: My sister is a fuck up and is going to lose her child and destroy the family

  1. It sounds to me like your sister has been in dire need of mental health assistance and therapy and counseling for many, many years and now, finally, the s*** is hitting the fan now that she is getting ready to lose her housing and be on the streets as a homeless person.

  2. I think your parents can petition the court for custody, rather than doing it all via notarized letters and such.

    But they need to check with a family law attorney.

  3. If CPS is involved, your parents should talk to the social worker. Tell the worker they would like to temporarily take in the nephew, protect him, etc.

  4. For the guardianship paper stuff, why not just be more proactive?

    Appeal to her piece of shit self: tell her you’ll give her $500 cash for the privilege of picking her up and taking her to get the papers notarized. Drive, pay for everything, set it all up. Just dangle a hard to ignore amount of money on a stick and she’ll perk right up.

    You can also just talk with CPS. They always prefer to place the kids with available family.

  5. Unfortunately there really isn’t anything that they can do if she doesn’t want to give up control.

    Even if she is just a narcissist and doesn’t care about the kids she will probably fight it unless she can get support from her parents out of the deal.

  6. CPS will do its best to keep children within the blood lines of family. Contact them or have your parents contact them pre-emptively to begin the paperwork and interviews needed to get custody. If sis is willing and just needs papers notarized, you can take her to your local bank and get it done there for free.

  7. With these types of situations in my personal experience she will figure it out or she won’t. For the child, if she does figure it out it will more then likely be too late.

    Does she have any drug issues? Is there a way you guys can contact the courts and put a affidavit to bring her to some type of treatment?

  8. Sounds like you’ve gotten and validated the best advice. Lawyers, CPS, mobile notary.

    What about your sister? She is still family.

    People keep throwing around “*narcissism*” which is like using an orange peel to replace a missing puzzle piece. It does not fit! Based on your original post. Narcissism does not cause depression.

    What’s her deal?

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