what do you expect after 20 years from now?

  1. Not much will have changed , but we live under water and your great great great granddaughter, will be really fine ….oh sorry that’s 978 years from now.

  2. This country might be even more of a shit show that we look back on the 2020s and see we didn’t have it as bad as it Would get

  3. For myself? I guess there’s probably a better than 50/50 chance I’ll be alive.

    For, like, society in general? I think there’s going to be less movement than most people would expect. I think technological process will be a little bit stagnant and geopolitics will not quite have reached a breaking point. I think 2042 is going to be… relatively similar to 2022.

    That’s my prediction.

  4. Got me personally, I’ll probably be dead. The trajectory my life has been indicates that it’s going to slowly drive me insane and beat me to death. For the world, I see at some point between now and then WW3 erupts between NATO and a loose China/Russia alliance. That will almost certainly go nuclear at some point in time. You have extremely unstable leadership in both countries and well tbh I won’t be surprised by anything they do.

  5. Humanity is at one of many many dangerous crossroads.

    We sit on the precipice of a man made 536AD.

    The Western Social democracies are on the brink of the world’s saddest corporatist dictatorship. That faction combined covid overreaction, green policy, and a completely pointless war in Ukraine into perfect conditions for inflation, food, and fuel shortages. As a direct result of these policy decisions the western world will soon enter full blown depression. This self-destruction will change the global balance of power as others can fill the power vacuum.

    Unless some reactionary power rises from the ashes of the West, we are likely entering an eastern century. Will it be a Russian Century or a Chinese one? Perhaps both. Will India or Brazil rise in power?

  6. I’ll almost be 60, and nearing the final push to hopeful retirement.

    My kids should be long moved out of my house, and he’ll, I might even be a grandpa.

    Hopefully my wife still loves the life we live, and we will still be going to concerts, random day trips, etc.

  7. More problems caused by climate change, more instability when it comes to politics/economy/society.

  8. Electric cars will be mainstream. Inflation will be unbearable. And the wealth gap will become even greater, with majority of people falling well below the median income at the time, kinda like how I am now.

  9. Droughts, famine, lots of suffering & suicides, increased temperatures will destroy water which will destroy crops & wildlife.

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