I was dating a guy for almost 2 months and things were going great. He was sweet, always pursuing me, and made it known I was on his mind. We saw each other like 2-3x a week. He starts getting distant and I ask him what’s up? He responds “I just don’t think I can give you what you want right now.” What a cop out. No explanation, nothing. I obviously take that for face value and will just move on, but wtf happened? I really hate dating.

  1. This just happened to me too a few days ago, feel free to Dm me, I know the guy I was seeing uses Reddit so don’t want to talk about anything here that would give away too many details of who I am ❤️❤️❤️sending support

  2. ‘I just don’t think I can give you what you want right now.”

    here is your answer?

  3. Is it the season for this or some shit? I was told something pretty similar. Guess all the guys want to be single for summer.

  4. Does it matter what happened? Whatever it was he probably had a good reason for it.

  5. Sounds like you dodged a potentially more painful bullet! This could have happened 4 or 6 months down the line & would be much more painful then!

    It is sad and it does hurt- but this man breaking things off with you is not a reflection on who you are/your worth or value,

  6. he probably found someone who he thinks is better for him, just being honest because i do the same.

  7. On the same boat as you! The guy I was seeing was pursuing the shit out of me, texting all the time, initiating dates and then said he’s not in the space to date. Was he being truthful? I’ll never know. But you know what, at least he told you that two months in rather than stringing you along for more months or even years. That’s the way I am seeing it! I guess this is the dating world? DM me if you want to vent.

  8. Did you make it known that he was on your mind too? Could just be that he didn’t feel the same energy from you?

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