So, there is a girl in my class that I’ve taken interest in. I can’t say I have a crush on her because I would like to get to know her first (learned from my previous mistake). She seems fun and is attractive but I haven’t gotten to speak to her. We share one class (tomorrow) which is a free period and I would like to try and speak with her. I got some advice from my friend but he couldn’t do too much considering he has been in a 2 year long relationship. I’m mainly concerned with how to begin the conversation

I have a few things to bring up that I know we can try to talk about to break the ice but I’m not sure how to initiate. We don’t have assigned seats but me and her sit on opposite sides of the class usually and keep to ourselves. I want to start a conversation not being awkward. I feel that if I walk all the way across the classroom to say hi, it seems weird. I can get to class before her if I’m quick but still don’t know how to approach her. I have debated some things like “Hey, can we talk?”, or something like that but I don’t know if it’s right and I don’t want to seem weird or strange or anything of the sort.

I’m deciding to do this now since the school year will be ending soon and there’s no guarantee that I will see her next year so I want to take my chances, but I’m still nervous. I don’t really know anything about her but I still have a few conversation starters that could get somewhere depending on if she’s comfortable holding a conversation with me or not.

Can anybody help me out? Any suggestions on what I could say to approach her without seeming weird? Any advice is appreciated.

  1. What’s the class, is there homework, a test or an essay or exam coming up?

  2. Have you considered just sitting on that side of the room close to where she normally sits? Instead of just walking over. I think it might make it more uncomfortable if you’re standing and she’s sitting scenario but I’ve got to be honest, I don’t really agree with your timing of it all because you want to take the risk but your not sure if you’ll even see her next year? You know? Are you in college or high school

  3. “Hey, can we talk?” seems pretty awkward. It’s going to be weird if it feels like you’re cornering her into a conversation, that’s why I don’t think you should try to do this all at once. You should start by just speaking to her casually when you’re both walking in or out of class or something like that, so then the next time you’re walking by her it won’t be weird if you say something to her. Then maybe you work up to sitting next to her and having an actual conversation.

  4. You basically have to start a bs conversation and go from there. “Hey can we talk” is definitely a weird starter. Sit on her side of the classroom and talk about something school related or look for something small to compliment her on (not related to her looks). Build a conversation from there and act confident. Try to find common interests. If the conversation goes well, ask to exchange social media or numbers.

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