There’s this girl in our friend group that i really like sometimes i can’t stop thinking about her. Yesterday we went out mini-golfing, when i arrived there, she was already waiting for me ( the place is in between us so no need for me to pick her up), she was already there and reading a book. The place turned out to be closed so went to get some ice cream and talked for and hour and a half in the park. We made a lot of eye contact but no physical one. When we went to our cars the invited me over to her place. So of course i went.
When we arrived there her brother and his friend made chilly and were watching soccer. I sat next to her and we made some conversation.
When the match ended all the boys left and because it was late i went with em.
She gave me her favorite book we talked about before. We said our goodbyes. She didn’t go for a hug so i didn’t want to pressure her.
In conclusion i have had a good time I always enjoy being around her.
But i don’t know how to make physical contact.

On the weekend me her and some other are going in the cinema for a twelve hour movie session.
How can i use this opportunity comes once a lifetime.

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