Who are you? Who do you want to be? And what do you need to do to get there?

  1. Just an ordinary average middle-aged chick

    I want to be an ordinary average middle-aged RETIRED chick

    I need money

  2. I worked as a dental assistant but now I went to school again in my mid 20’s, because I want to be a doctor / pathologist. This was always my dream since I was a teenager.

  3. Im a 23yo girl who is in college. I want to be a biologist, an artist, a person who travels a lot, and someday a millionaire. Also, someday a wife and a mother. A healthy happy person growing a bit more everyday. And bringing some joy to the world, helping others in a way I still haven’t figured out. To get there I need to finish college (I have one more year), and work work work. Work on my career and work on myself. 😉

  4. 24 year old chick who wants to build a decent, peaceful life and home for her parents and siblings. I don’t know what I need, but I know that I’m willing to do *anything* to get there, and that’s what I’m doing.

  5. Im just a person. Im happy with who i am, and im happy to just grow naturally instead of setting a goal to become something else.

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