When I started college I was a 19 year old and was pretty heavy. I was 325 lbs, and I was at that time 6’4”. All during high school I never got attention form girls and wanted my college experience to be different. I spent my first semester working out and I lost 120 lbs in 9 months. And started to workout religiously so I could get the ladies during college.

  1. I didn’t like how I was treated for being skinny, especially by girls and my relatives, so instead of bitching, victimizing myself, or blaming others for their reasonable judgement of me, I simply stopped being skinny.

  2. I became a father a little later in life and wanted to clean up after a decade of hard partying so that I could be as healthy as I could be, as long as I can – for those who need me.

    Now it’s become an ingrained part of my lifestyle and can’t imagine it any other way.

    All those people I used to party with in the past look like hot garbage now! Glad I got started when I did!

  3. “so I could get the ladies” that sounds creepy AF. Maybe work on your character instead of the gym.

  4. I was a fat fuck who did nothing but drink beer and play COD. Now on Year 12 of going to the gym (I still love beer).

  5. I was tired of trying to be athletic again after gaining 80lbs and wanted to be in my prime shape again!

  6. Other facets of my life were going well that some of my insecurities I had just went to the back of my mind. When shit otherwise went a bit loopy, it really brought out some of my insecurities and I started working on them a good bit. Glad I did too

  7. Health. My cholesterol was all in the unhealthy, your chance of a heart attack is high if you don’t fix it range. I didn’t want to take cholesterol control drugs so I started exercising and paying attention to my nutrition.

  8. As long as I can look down and my belly dosen’t hide my dick, it’s very unlikely I’ll be working out.

  9. I’ve always loved exercise, & one day I just decided to really get focused on it so I could have a body to be proud of. I work out to be strong because being strong makes me happy.

  10. I caught my ass in the mirror one day and went WDF! We’re the perky little tush go! Then I realised I had really let myself go and start with 5 day session. I’m not ripped, I’m healthy and I feel it

  11. Watched Baki. I wanted a devil’s back… Instead I quit halfway and left with a sumo belly XD.

  12. Recently bounced back from a major depression (8months) I went shopping for some new buisnes casual clothes i grabbed a pair of 32s (My old size) and I could barely manage to pull up the pants I choose to try on forget trying to close them. I was in disbelief when I found out my new size at 40. I got a gym membership that same week

  13. Got dumped by my fiance and lost my job within a few weeks. I had been commuting almost 4 hours/day and I couldn’t do 20 pushups or go up a few flights of stairs without wheezing. Started working out and within 6 months I was a beast.

  14. Basically same reason at first but now it’s just because I’m getting older and I’m starting to notice my body isn’t what it used to be. I just feel so weak like my body is breaking down so I started working out again. I’m not where I’d like yet but it feels good that I know I’m not gonna throw my back out for an embarrassing reason.

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