27F, been on and off the dating apps for years. I’ve complained to my mother enough and she has always reassured me that I just haven’t found the right one, been hearing this since I was 21. I feel like I could have been in a relationship or at least “dated” if I went for the guys that have pursued me. However, I got tired of the ones I didn’t like back approaching me and have decided to use bumble. I’ve met up with two guys and didn’t feel them either. It’s only been twice BUT like I said I tried the other apps for years. My life has always been the ones I want don’t want me back/aren’t serious and the ones that like me I don’t want back. My mom says that she really loved my dad and she’s been with her current boyfriend for years but I just don’t get the appeal of either of them (seeing them as if I don’t know them or aren’t related to them). She says she didn’t settle but I just don’t get how you aren’t settling if you aren’t physically attracted to the person. I do feel I will genuinely end up alone, rather be alone vs being taken and miserable. Not that this matters but I don’t really have an active sex drive, I don’t enjoy masturbating and haven’t had sex in years. I saw someone very briefly 3 years ago and while he had a decent personality, I wasn’t physically attracted to him. That was my closest to a relationship, you’re seriously telling me I haven’t been able to find anyone since? It’s like the universe is telling me I can’t do any better, I have never even introduced anyone to my family going on 30. Social anxiety is something I deal with but not that much of a contributing factor. Around a yr ago, I took a 6 month break from dating apps. I have hinge atm but I look for matches once a week or so, guys still msg me but I take a while to reply because I don’t feel motivated to keep the convo going/really need it to be good to stay engaged.

TL;DR: haven’t had success with dating apps, content with being single or just calling it quits?

  1. Sometimes you need to know what you’re actually looking for before you can find it.

  2. I had so much trouble finding someone I would even consider dating because the list of qualifications was so great. I started lowering my expectations for they had to a X out 10. Dated some girls who were cute but not as good looking as I would normally go for, made a lot less than me, weren’t as educated, any you know what? Dealt with a lot of the same issues. Guess what I’m saying is don’t lower those standards. You deserve the best and if you haven’t found your prince charming, don’t settle.

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