I currently have my period, can I just pleasure myself and also with my fingers? Or is this dangerous or not hygienic?

  1. Definitely not dangerous! Most of the time you’re extra horny on your period due to all the hormones. Easiest way to do it is probably in the shower for easy clean up!

  2. If you don’t want any blood on you fingers, do it after you shower and don’t insert them in your vagina. Nothing dangerous or un hygienic at all, maybe a little messy is all.

  3. It isn’t dangerous but i would say that penetration is more risky since your cervix is lowered and more dilated, so your body is more vulnerable to infections. In some cultures they don’t recommend sex during period because of this.

  4. I actually get hornier during my period… I use my fingers in the shower or just lay down on a towel.

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