You’re shopping for groceries, and you think: I’m also going to buy something super yummy to eat when I get home. What is it?

  1. Natas, the Portuguese custard tarts. Perfect for that moment you walk in, dump the shopping and need a cuppa

  2. Cheese. Maybe a rotisserie chicken. Bread and really nice butter. Really tasty ripe fruit.

  3. I’m 2.5 months post op from gastric surgery, so something with lots of protein. Probably a Fairlife shake because that brand is the most delicious.

  4. Oh god, depending on the day/mood and craving – ice cream, spinach dip and pretzel crackers, garbage cereal, something nostalgic from my childhood since I don’t snack often (pudding cups/cookies/Lil Debbie Snack Cakes)

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