My ex (M-Mid-20s) unexpectedly ended things with me (F-Mid-20s) after a discussion/ argument about our future (Together for nrly 3 Yrs). Our differences are timelines, I want to move to the next steps before he does. I said I was prepared to wait but he still ended it with me. He then told me he’s had doubts since he moved away from home to live with friends (months ago) and isn’t sure when, if ever, he will be ready.

Our relationship seemed good and we rarely had disagreements. He has always been scared of commitment and has fears from his family, is this one of those times? Did I push too much for our next steps? It’s been 3 weeks now….

Why has he suddenly decided to end us now?

  1. >Is there any chance for us?

    No. He told you directly that he doesn’t see you in his future. It sucks to here but you need to move on.

  2. There’s nothing wrong with expecting commitment and clarity about your future with your partner of **three years**.

    The problem is who you were expecting it from. You were all in, he wasn’t. That sucks and it hurts.

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