Today I went to the theater with my boss and colleagues, and this beautiful girl from ticket window made eye contact and smiled at me a few times. I just smiled back and walked out with my group, but I want to go back there tomorrow and ask her out. I don’t want it to be weird, I don’t even know if she’s my age. She could be just smiling at every customer. Girls, what would you like to hear from a guy in that situation?

  1. I am not a girl but I would love to hear that…

    1. You have a lot of money
    2. You have a boat load of coke
    3. You got a huge unit

    In that order… good luck!

  2. I’m not a lass myself but simply saying ‘I think you’re pretty and I would like to get to know you better, would you be open to having dinner sometime’ can go a long way, and if she says yes you ask for her number, if she says no then she says no

  3. Hit her up next time you see her. Go there like you’re waiting for a friend and talk her up for 1 minute and ask her contact or social

  4. NEVER ask ANYone out while they are at their JOB. You put them in a horrible position, especially shitty minimum wage jobs like working at a movie theater where she has no say in anything that happens and management can and will fire her for any little thing. You’re creating a situation where you are *demanding* she be polite to you and provide you with customer service, all while you ask her a very personal question. She could feel coerced into saying yes or giving you some kind of polite false hope because she’s super freaked out by someone asking her on a date while she’s AT HER JOB. It’s NEVER appropriate. Do not do it. It’s not okay. Ever.

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