My fellow Americans, what is the fastest way to piss you off?

  1. Passing the buck and unwillingness to admit fault. We’ve become a society that’s losing the ability to be introspective and it’s maddening.

  2. Blocking the aisle in the store. *Especially* to talk to a friend for 20+ minutes. Just get out of my freaking way!

  3. Ask me a question then get distracted or leave in the middle of my answer because you can’t be bothered to listen to the response.

  4. Driving/walking slow. We all have places to be, at least act like it if you don’t.

    Being rude to servers/cashiers/receptionists/etc. it may make you feel superior for a brief second but it makes the rest of us look at you like you’re making that person feel. Like shit.

  5. Bad merging.

    If you’re on the faster road, you do NOT slow down to let me in, I find a way in. Camping out in my blindspot will only make me scream in front of my kids.

  6. Pull your truck in the road and talk to your friend or neighbor or whatever, so I have to absolutely drive around you instead of me sitting there and waiting for you to finish the conversation.

    Also, park your truck in the road with a trailer hitched on it right before a curve, so I can’t see if anyone is coming if I have to go around you.

  7. Disrespect or lack of understanding of the Constitution. Or calling something a coney dog when you actually mean chili dog.

  8. Coming to a complete stop before entering a roundabout despite there being no oncoming traffic.

  9. Be a rich European who spent thousands of dollars to visit the US just to laugh and complain at how shitty you think everything is

  10. Move to where I live because “it’s so nice” and then try to make it more like the place you just left.

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