Let’s say i’d want to have a whore phase, i’m not confortable going to bars or clubs alone and i don’t want my friends to know about it.
The easiest option seems to be tinder, so i’d like to know if there are things i should watch out or avoid.
I’m bi so i’d like to know the red flags of both genders (idk if there’s a difference but yea)

  1. I’m 45 and have two friends that had major sexual awakening phases. One has over 800 partners, the other prob is 100+.

    Anyway, my guy friend (the 800+), sex means nothing to him. But he would prefer to be in a relationship.

    My girl friend, she blows everything off. She has a ton of trouble getting serious as the next best thing is around the corner

  2. Regarding the dangers, I would expect it matters if you’re male or female. The danger of some sort of physical attack would presumably be lessened if you are male, especially if you were rather large. But without knowing anything about you that really can’t be assessed.

  3. My only advice is transparency. U don’t want to get in the habit of promising relationships to get laid, and there are plenty of ppl who would totally vibe with NSA hook ups. U will want to practice being able to confidently express ur sexual needs, and it can be alot less daunting when ur not worried about “ruining a relationship” by insisting ur needs are being met.

    With any luck, this journey will help u refine urself so that whether u decide to settle down or not, ur communication skills will be on point. It’ll also give u a good idea of what is/isn’t acceptable to settle for in a relationship. Good luck

    Edit to add: forgot to address safety. Pro tip, have maybe 3-4 friends who u can notify when u think ur heading into a risky situation. Just a text like “hey, I’m going to be hanging out at [street name], to meet up with [guy name]. Can I text u in a few hrs to let u kno I’m safe?”. Ud only need to text 1 person per encounter, but have a couple u can depend on incase ur worried about judgement for the “hoeing” (if they’d judge then they probably aren’t friends ud wanna keep.anyways)

  4. Meet the dude in a public place first. I made this mistake in my whoring phase, I met a dude and was immediately put off by his vibe but I was already in his car on the way to his apartment. He sexually assaulted me. If I had met him in a public place first I wouldn’t have gone with him

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