If there is real benefits to doing this I need to know.

  1. Generally I see them stuck at the next traffic light / roundabout etc.

    There’s really no benefit to driving like this in the UK. Our roads have way too many obstacles.

  2. If you’re at the front of the queue at the traffic lights, and you don’t try and beat the car next to you when they go green, I think it’s a sign that you might as well kill yourself because there’s clearly no joy left in your life.

  3. They’re doing good work. I always assume they are delivering transplant organs or at least will donate one day.

  4. I much prefer the racers to the ones that will never overtake tractors and lorries. At least they aren’t getting in the way.

  5. They work longer to pay for the massive fuel use over 2 seconds benefit.

    I like it when drivers do this to me, because I ride a motorbike (and yes, in 30 area’s I do get quite a few cars and vans overtaking me, because slightly above the speed limit isn’t fast enough), and when they end up in the inevitable queue, I go past with a grin.

  6. My dad’s one of these people. He spends the extra time ranting about how slow other drivers are.

  7. It depends on the context I guess. What was the specific issue/circumstances that lead to the question?

    If its out in’t sticks or up ont’ moors you are likely only there because you wanted to be. The faster/more efficient route is often the motorway/A-roads etc. If you want to be there, chances are that’s because you like driving. Coming up behind someone doing 45 is exceptionally frustrating in this case, slowing you down from driving how you would like to. Hence the overtake.


    Around town multilane roads a little competitive engine rev at the lights never hurt anyone* and you then allow the person behind to also set off how they fancy, leading to potentially more cars not held up because of you.

    *assuming speed limits and general attention are given to other road users and conditions

    Town single carriageways etc. if you’re doing the speed limit there is absolutely no excuse for a mental overtake in their golf GTD (with an R badge and pop and bang map) Just be grateful that if they ARE doing 40/50/60 they’re likely paying attention to the road and aren’t on their phone.

  8. They’re trying to catch up to the people who tootle along the road at 10mph under the speed limit until they get up to a set of traffic lights and they’re changing to red, so that means they then have to floor it and leave the trail of cars behind them at the lights.

    OR they’re trying to get around the people who make it their life mission to pull out from side roads in front of you, only to yet again tootle along at 10mph under the speed limit.

    I’m sure there are more examples!

  9. I used to be one of those drivers and over a long journey, being a dickhead definitely made it the difference between an hour and a 45 minute journey.

    What I can’t explain is why as soon as work finished, I HAD to get home as soon as possible.
    It makes no sense now but that’s just what my mind decided. Sorry to anyone in the westcountry that got carved up by a red 306 XSi

  10. Sometimes overtaking one car is the difference between being stuck at lights or not, pulling out in front of a bin lorry/bud etc. You’ve never pulled up to a junction and seen a lorry followed by around 10 cars and thought if only I was here abit sooner?

  11. I had a full motorbike licence for years before I got my car one. Took me about a week to realise how pointless overtaking is in cars.

    I imagine if I got another motorbike it would take me about a week to start overtaking again

  12. Sometimes it’s not about saving time, it’s about having a less frustrating drive because you’re no longer stuck behind the dithering idiot plodding along 8 miles under the limit.

  13. Sitting at red lights while the cars they just overtook catch up.

    I had a funny experience with one of them a few weeks ago when i was driving into london. There was a point where the road went from two lanes to one lane, and the shot up behind me and cut me off *after* it had gone to one lane.

    Ten minutes later, i had another car do the exact same thing at another point, only to realise it was the *same car* that had obviously gotten stuck further back in the motorway traffic and ended up behind me again lmao.

  14. Sometimes though it is worth it if the car in front is driven by someone who is driving erratically and negatively controlling your journey. Better to be in front and in control of how you drive.

  15. Some people like me just don’t like people driving slowly! if you have a license you should know how to drive! Driving it’s not when you come to a complete stop to go round a corner! Driving is not when you think ahhh I’m in no rush I’ll just stick at 2 mph under the speed limit! Driving is not when you get annoyed at someone behind you and then keep slamming your breaks on!

    Driving is when you get in a car and operate it for its intended purpose!

    And finally please remember that driving to some people is fun and a past time! Just because you’re not willing to drive at a reasonable pace doesn’t mean you’re any better or greater than any other driver!

  16. Getting through the next set of lights when you don’t. Then maybe the next one. Perhaps getting out of a junction in front of a tractor or a cyclist. Might make a huge difference, might make none and you follow them the rest of the way.

    But really this is some smug bullshit because you’re only thinking this when you’re sat behind them, not when they disappear off into the distance and you never see them again.

    But really who gives a shit? It’s not your problem if they waste fuel and get nowhere.

  17. Relaxing because they’re not stuck behind you plodding along looking for 100ft gap to pull out at the roundabout.

  18. I drive on a single carriageway road for 25 miles to work and back each day. It’s 60 all the way. There is ALWAYS one cunt doing 40 holding the traffic up. This can change a 30 minute commute into a 45 minute commute.

    I spend my extra minutes not getting disciplined at work.

  19. I was almost late for work the other day despite setting off extra early. There were temporary lights as well as loads of congestion and people still take a good 5-10 seconds or longer to set off at the traffic lights. As soon as that shit is orange my car is starting to love. People are slefish. Anyway what happene the other day was the guy took so long to set off that it went back to red just after he got through it so didn’t bother him the selfish twat while the rest of us had to wait even longer

  20. This feels personally aimed at me, so I’ll explain my reasoning:

    I’m not going ahead to save time, I’m going ahead for visibility and to ensure i can properly control my speed.

    Drives me mad when going home on a dual carriageway and the left lane is filled with lorries/trucks going 55-60 and everyone else piling into the right hand lane and causing random slowdowns and people who aren’t paying attention jumping on their brakes.

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