Before anyone calls this sexist, I just want to clarify that this is not aimed towards one group of people. It is a question I have for anyone and everyone who ever they are that is open to discussing different opinions – I’m just asking different people because its something I’ve been questioning. I don’t mean to offend anyone and I’m sorry if this offends anyone, those aren’t my intentions. It’s a curious question, I’m seeking different opinions, thank you to anyone who shares their opinions

  1. I’ve read through your question and following paragraph and don’t understand what you’re asking. Do I care if my good friend who’s a girl is attractive? Is that what you’re asking? Do I notice attractive people of the same sex? Are you looking for opinions for heterosexual people only?

  2. Depends on how they want to engage with the opposite sex. Seeking a NSA/FWB situation? Sure, mostly concerned about sex and appearances. Seeking a relationship? Ideally more concerned with the person, and not just the skin sack they are walking around in.

  3. If anyone is confused I understand looking at it now how i worded the post is confusing, like when males or females make a friend of the opposite sex (or even same sex if you go that way). If it is a gender that you have attraction to, but the relationship is said to be platonic, do people even care about platonic relationships? Or do people only care about sex or how someone else looks?
    Sorry if I’m not wording this properly, I’m having a difficult time wording this 😅

  4. I have thousands more platonic friendships and relationships such as working relationships with women than sexual relationships. You’d have to have a rather sheltered life not to have friends of the “opposite sex”.

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