Looking for discussion – I’ve dated several really fit men, men that I could scrub a load of laundry on their abs at 40 (give or take a few years), yet they seem to be so self conscious. Very humble given how they present externally and as a woman with previous body issues, it blows me away! They’re hot AF for 40 and can’t see it.

I genuinely don’t think it’s fishing for compliments, they’ve been very dedicated to health for years but seemingly still can’t feel truly good in their skin.

Anyone else notice this in their dating experience? Anyone else seeing body confidence issues like this as a normal worry with aging or could it be a sign of something deeper?

  1. Men have body issues now, its a real thing and I think they’re saying its from the rise of social media. Male influencers are starting to body shame other men.

  2. i felt this way for years and looking back at my old pics i was NOT fat and turns out i was really fit! sometimes its all in their head. unless its a pervasive insecurity, its normal for some men to feel that way. its what keeps us striving to be better.

  3. We have body dismorphia. That’s why this is happening. It’s only getting worse due to the rampant advocation for steroid use on tiktok

  4. A lot of super fit guys are super fit because they have distorted body image(dysmorphia, “bigorexia”) and obsess about food(orthorexia).

    It’s sadly very common.

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