Hello, I am using a throwaway account because I use the same username for all of my social media accounts.

I met this guy ‘Mike’ during my first day of classes this semester. The first week knowing him was fine, but then I realized that I genuinely don’t want to be his friend anymore. I’m not going into the specifics as to why I came to this conclusion, because if I did this post would be insanely long (I already had a draft going but then I realized it was like a book).

The main issue is that his personality is drastically different than mine, and to be honest, his personality is the type that I would avoid. He’s extroverted, loud, talks a lot, and clingy. I consider myself to be introverted, quiet, reserved, and I love being by myself. This is another issue, he wants to hang out with me literally every day we have classes together but I don’t want to. It’s gotten to the point that I’ve had to tell him lies about my schedule and what I need to do/where I’m going to avoid him. I’ve already skipped class twice because I don’t want to see him and talk to him. I really don’t want to miss any more lectures because of him.

It’s only the third week of classes and I get anxiety just thinking about just having to talk to him again. I’ve already had nightmares about him. Of course there’s a lot of parts that I’m leaving out to make this as simple as possible. Again, If I mentioned every thing he’s done in the span of 3 weeks this post would be insanely long.

So here is where I ask for advice. How do I tell him in the most polite way possible that I don’t want to be his friend anymore? I’m not a confrontational person, so I’ve tried the “don’t talk to him/don’t text him” approach but he hunts me down to sit next to me during lecture and he constantly texts me so I have to respond. It’s hard to ignore him/ghost him if I have to see him during lecture, also I’m extremely paranoid of running into him around campus. I just want to be comfortable at school knowing that I don’t have to be on my guard to avoid him. Part of me just wants to tell him “I don’t want to be your friend anymore” but I’m so scared that he’s going to lash out on me (so many horror stories about nice guys amirite ladies).

If you guys need me to explain anything feel free to ask, I was just trying to keep this short and simple. Thank you for reading!

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