What father from a movie or TV show do you think is the best example of how fatherhood should be?

  1. Do honorary fathers count? Because I’ve got to vote for Uncle Iroh (Avatar) and Might Guy (Naruto). Truly inspirational teachers

  2. Honestly, I like Dan from Roseanne, he wasn’t the perfect dad, he knew that but he always tried to do the right thing and raise his kids to be the best they could and that’s all us dads can do.

  3. Cosby is persona non grata today, for very legitimate reasons, but Cliff Huxtable was America’s dad in the 80’s. As a kid from the 80’s, what came out about Cosby was gut wrenching.

  4. Bob from Bob’s Burger. He loves his wife and his kids. Always supports what they do. All around a great guy.

  5. Josiah Bartlett from the West Wing ( although I am Republican ) , and Francis Reagan from Blue Bloods

  6. Don’t hate me but I would like the Professor from Gilligans Island to be my dad. Any dude that can make a radio out of coconuts and old fishing line is my hero!!

  7. Yondu from Guardians of the Galaxy. Had no clue what he was doing, did the right thing anyway, raised a leader. Never stopped trying to do the best for his boy

  8. Dr. Doofenshmirtz. He’s not so much a good example of “fatherhood” per se (he’s a villain living off his wife’s alimony), but he’s an inspiration as a dad. Very obviously puts his daughter above everything, does everything in his power to give her a better childhood than he had. He listens to what she says and respects it, and who could ever forget the episode where it’s revealed he’d been searching literal decades for a doll she had wanted. He just wants to be a part of her life, and I love that.

    He’s also my go-to example of a good divorced couple. He and his ex are still friends, there’s no animosity, they just separated amicably because they wanted different things.

  9. Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird. His masculine resolute demeanor in the film/book is what I strive for.

  10. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, despite having a horrible childhood he gave his daughter the best he could even if she didn’t appreciate it

  11. My first thought was Carl Winslow from Family Matters and second was Danny Tanner from Full House!

  12. Eddard Stark from Game of Thrones. He’s loving, stable, calm, and protective. He instills values like responsibility, honor, honesty, integrity, and justice in his children from an early age and values them above all else. Ned’s entire core and identity is honor, and he throws it away many times in order to keep his family safe and provided for. Ultimate dad, and he reminds me a lot of my own father. For someone with such little screen time, he’s in my top 5 characters in all media.

  13. Uncle Iroh from Avatar. Even if his son passed away, he’s more of a father to Zuko than Ozai ever was.

  14. Giles from Buffy! Absolutely gave so much support to Buffy and all the gang and almost always knew exactly what tone to take in admonishment or consolation (sometimes both at once)

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