my ldr boyfriend has lied to me.
this is the third time he lied to me about something serious. the first 2 times, i caught his lies and he apologized and we sorted it. but this time he doesn’t know that i know. i can’t tell him that i know because i got to know about the lie through a way i shouldn’t use. but i do know. i think i will talk to him about this when i meet him physically.
im in depression since long and he does this to me. i don’t know what to do

  1. If it is serious lies well to be fair any lies turns out to have trusting issues after that. It can really hurt a couple so Idk why they would do that seriously.

    With little context and from my point of view I would leave him since he is keen to lie again and about something important too.

  2. The most important thing two people in a LDR have is trust, that’s what makes the wait worth it. But you two don’t even have that.

    It’s way past time to breakup. You’re just wasting time & emotional energy on a liar you’ll most likely never get to meet in person.

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