I personally agree with the decision.

  1. It should never have been in doubt for a moment. She’s one of the most qualified people to ever be nominated.

  2. First public defender on SCOTUS. That’s huge. I hope she brings that perspective with her.

  3. As usual the right is pretending she’s far left when she’s not at all. Hell, a certain member of congress called her a pedophile lover…🙄 She’s a pretty moderate choice, who in the old days would have been confirmed close to unanimously. And I’m not saying the Dems aren’t unfair to conservative picks, because they are. We are a broken country.

  4. She’s a former public defender on top of her impressive resume. I l think she was a solid choice.

  5. Not who I would have nominated but obviously an eminently qualified judge – I’m a bit disappointed it was only 53 in favor and I really really wish we could go back to SCOTUS being thought of as a court and not a semi-elected super-legislature. Supreme Court picks shouldn’t constantly be controversial.

  6. I think it’s awesome that she’s a former public defender and think she’ll do a good job.

  7. I don’t know, I watched the confirmation hearings but I didn’t get a good idea if she likes beer or not.


  8. I don’t agree with everything she’s done and likely will disagree with some of the rulings of hers in the future. However, I think she’s qualified for the job and if I were voting I would vote to confirm even though I’m not a Democrat.

  9. It was the right choice, and it’s unfortunate that the vote was as close as it was.

  10. I hope to see future justices with similar resumes.

    She was an excellent choice.

  11. I love that she was a public defender. We need that perspective (and a whole lot of others) on the Court.

  12. That whole confirmation hearing was a mortifying shit show.

    That said, I’m really happy for KBJ.

  13. I don’t know enough about her to have an informed opinion. I haven’t followed anything about it to any degree.

  14. Good. Being a public defender is the most important part to me. You need that element on the court. It’s a perspective sorely lacking today. Hopefully the next one is too. Left or right I don’t care. But knowing how defense usually works and how it plays out in the court system is absolutely necessary.

  15. Eh, no thanks. I don’t really like her judicial history.

    She’s qualified though.

    I am upset about how Biden said “we want a black woman on the Supreme Court”. Made it seem like a race pick.

  16. A black female Supreme Court Justice announced by a black female Vice President. Alongside African-America Federal Reserve board members, all following an African-American President. I think the barriers (mental, emotions, or physical) have been broken through and anyone can be what they want in America.

  17. I think she’s a great choice for the supreme court and I’m happy to see most of the people in this thread reflect that sentiment

  18. Honestly, with the way politics and partisanship is these days, hearings went as expected. The GOP you’d expect to vote for her did. Seems like she did fine in the hearings. Even if she is left, it isn’t changing the makeup of the SCOTUS.

    I personally believe the only issue I see is with Biden specifically stating he is nominated a black woman. I really don’t care either way. I don’t even care if that was his intention, but don’t say that out loud. Now he just gives the right firepower to question her qualifications and make statements about that.

  19. Good nominee and I agree with the confirmation, but I think Biden announcing his intention to nominate a black woman before hand unfortunately tainted it as an Affirmative Action pick in some minds.

  20. A little too conservative for my liking but she’s incredibly qualified and seems to take the job vey seriously so I’m good with it.

  21. I think she is a solid choice. The person I know who has a career that is associated with the law approved and I trust this person’s opinion on her.

  22. I love that all the main headlines I saw said on reddit said “first African American Female”

    I actually *hate* the term ‘female’ when describing woman because it sounds like such a neck beard thing to say. From what I understand many women and feminists hate it as well.

    But I guess they kind of had to use it, because of the controversy around her and defining a woman lol

    That part I found pretty funny. The rest I don’t really care about. The usual smear campaign.

  23. It’s a start, but it doesn’t make up for the 3 seats stolen by Trump.

  24. I’m disappointed both sides politicized something that shouldn’t be political. I’m happy that she appears to be more than qualified.

  25. She’s impeccably qualified and it’s incredible to have a former public defender on SCOTUS, something that has been sorely needed.

    For all the handwringing about Biden saying he would pick a black woman, he picked someone who will likely be the most intelligent member on the court and the best writer on the court the second she takes her seat.

    This is very important, especially considering she’s replacing Breyer who has been the go-to voice of the liberal wing for decades now in opinions

  26. Really brought out the racism among some people. Also showed me that GOP are going to play dirty/shady for short-term political gain. This is highlighted by the fact GOP stood on this weird issue of Jackson being lenient of pedophiles (spoiler she isn’t) and many switched their approval (when she was nominated for a lower court and this one). If you thought she was a qualified and capable, or vice versa, then you should maintain that decision unless she significantly changed as a person; she didnt.

  27. Very solid choice. Very impressive and composed during the hearings. Six more like her would be great…

  28. It’s rad AF. She’s got the most varied experience of any justice in decades!

  29. I don’t know if I will like her jurisprudence but she was confirmed and that’s how our democracy works. I hope she has many good years on the bench and that the ghost of Scalia guides her typing hand.

  30. I think that it’s odd for the “boots straps” crowd to be against confirming a qualified SCOTUS candidate that’s is MORE qualified than all the current Justices on SCOTUS. Apparently, they don’t really believe in the hard work equals success myth that they perpetuate.

  31. About goddamn time we had a former public defender up there. We’ve had prosecution attorneys forever.

    I want someone with experience doing everything they can to make sure people get a fair deal in our justice system – not just pushing for a conviction at every turn.

  32. I want to know what someone’s genuine reason is for not supporting her. She’s one of the most qualified judges we’ve seen in many many years.

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