This is a simple one. I’m just lost what to do next because it hurts. My boyfriend told me he’s gonna drink with his friends to a certain bar they always go to. They did drink. But in a different bar, with another girl. This happened months ago. I just found out because while I was looking for a bar to celebrate my birthday next month, I saw him in this certain bar’s photos on Facebook. Those photos they use for promotion and stuff. So, I backread our conversations and did confirm that he lied where he was that day. How do I confront him about this? 😞

  1. Why, would you confront him? He’ll just be more clever next time.

    Give him more rope, let him hang himself with it.

  2. Tell him you know he lied to you and give him a chance to come clean with anything else he might be hiding. If he cares about you he will, if he cares about his pride he will get defensive.

    Would he have a reason to hide these things from you?

  3. Damn Facebook! Even when you avoid social media it doesn’t avoid you.

    Advice is to tell him you know about a lie and he has one chance to come clean. See what he says. He may tell you something else he lied about lol.

  4. If you confront him on this you come off as a crazy stalker, no matter how innocent your discovery was.. I’d just use it as a warning to be wary of giving him too much leash in the future, or at least as a sign he’s not the one for you

  5. Walk past him, slide the phone with the photo on it towards him and just sit. Let him try to explain it.

  6. “Hey Brian, did you know that you’re featured in Bar La La’s promotional photos on their website? Didn’t you tell me you were going to Bar Ro Lo that day? And who is that girl with you?”

    The look on his face and his body language will tell you everything you need to know.

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