I recently met this girl and we have hung out a few times. I just recently asked her on a date this Friday. I want to get to know her better and I’m thinking a good way to do that/first date would be to have a mini picnic under the stars and talk about life yk afterwards we can go grab ice cream and maybe watch a movie after. I also got her some flowers to give to her when I pick her up. Would this be a good first date?

  1. Flowers are overkill
    Movie first, then you have something to talk about over ice cream
    picnic under the stars on the second or third date

  2. I went on a similar first date recently and it was so special. She’s going to love it! And if she doesn’t don’t be offended, ask her if she would like to do soemthing else instead of what you have planned if she seems uninterested. She may not want to do so much on the first date! I had that mindset going into my date and I ended up absolutely loving every second and soendinng the whole day with him! Picnic was the best- we talked about anything and everything and when it was silent it wasn’t awkward since we were able to people watch or just enjoy the view. Good luck! She’s so lucky!

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