As the title says, as far as I can remember, from my early days as a teenager up til now as a 30+ adult, I’ve found that after ejaculating under certain circumstances I often end up with a mild burning sensation throughout my urethra. I can’t find a description anywhere to match it, and I’ve not bothered using a throwaway til now to seek advice as it’s a bit embarassing. I assume it’s nothing serious as I’ve been dealing with it for over a decade now.

Basically, on the rare occasions when I have a sensation of a poop being “on its way” – you know, you feel a vague sensation in the bowel area but can’t actually go yet – and then either have sex or masturbate before I can poop, I inevitably end up with a burning sensation in my urethra afterwards – followed by then actually being able to poop straight after. Does anyone know what is going on there? From searching online I wonder if it might be something to do with the prostate, but as you can imagine, typing “Why do I get a burning sensation if I ejaculate while needing to poop” doesn’t yield much in the way of specific helpful information…

  1. With a massive orgasm I sometimes have so much cum sent so fast that it leaves my urethra feeling like you describe. It goes away quickly. But it has nothing to do with whether there’s a poop on deck, though.

  2. No matter the condition, if you experience something for that long and consistently, it’s definitely worth a trip to your doctor.

  3. If it is only connected to feces “on their way”, then I suspect it has to do with your prostate in some way. Did you ever stimulate your prostate and if so, did ejaculation then have the same effect?

  4. you could have a fistula, hole between your colon and your bladder which could result in long term bacterial infection

    if you ever fart out of your dick, then get a ct scan with high contrast (urogram) and a colonoscopy and or a cystoscopy, that’s called pneumaturia and is from the gas passing from colon to bladder

    ask me and my 3 bacterial infections how i know all this :p

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