Basically this, I’m not asking about the feasibility of this, just asking about the reaction? So what do we think, which would make the greatest waves in society.

  1. As someone who enjoys both I think my answer has changed as I’ve got older and I’d rather booze was banned now.

    Can I still do coke?

  2. Think of all the women you know who couldn’t give two shits about football, but love their wine

  3. A ban on alcohol would be more widely criticised, but a ban on football would be more violent.

  4. I think you’re getting riots either way, but I booze definitely would annoy more people (me included – hic)

  5. Either would cause riots on the street, people don’t like their freedom being taken away and that’s a shot load of freedom.

  6. Both would be widely flouted, but an attempt to ban football would be more unpopular because it’d mean the police harassing children for kicking a ball around.

  7. 100% alcohol would go down worse. I would imagine more people enjoy alcohol than football (And a large number of those enjoying football do so whilst enjoying alcohol.


    I have to say OP, imaging the sheer depravity and outrage that would occur in this country if either was banned is making me laugh tonight.

  8. Alcohol, drinking is the national sport.

    Allow me to finish with this very important quote:

    “Here’s to alcohol: the cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems” -Homer Simpson

  9. I think football would be worse because an alcohol ban would be easier to circumvent.

    They have banned booze on the trains up here in Scotland, but since they did that there has been zero change in behaviour from what I have seen.

  10. Alcohol ban would be much worse. Football fans could all get drunk and shout and fight over something else.

    But booze is part of the majority of people’s lives. There isn’t really a suitable replacement.

    We’d have Nan’s on crack, old gents down the pub popping pills and hen do’s on nothing but cocaine and diet coke.

    The nation would lose its shit.

  11. I don’t drink alcohol so it wouldn’t bother me. Don’t particularly like football either. I know, I’m a boring bastard.

    That said if we’re talking about which one would cause more chaos it’d be alcohol without a doubt. Just look at what happened when America tried to enforce prohibition. All they succeeded in doing was creating an underground market and as a result organized crime skyrocketed. It’s just too embedded in our entire culture

  12. Alcohol for sure.

    Firstly lots of people would be very angry and not tolerate it.

    Secondly it pacifies the populace. If everyone was sober for a year or two they might start to step back and realise that the day to day grind is a bit rubbish and ask if things could be a little bit better. The elites really don’t want that happening

  13. Definitely alcohol. It won’t affect just the footy fans, but fans of *all* sports (as well as people like me who aren’t into sports) who drink alcohol.

    To say that it’d go down badly would be an understatement. It’d make America’s Prohibition years seem like the most minor tiff imagineable.

  14. People would just switch to Rugby. But a total ban on alcohol? They’ll be war cries, bugles and bagpipes playing Lands end to John o groats.

  15. A ban on alcohol would have a greater economic impact. A ban on football might just raise the collective IQ of the country.

    What I really would like to see is a ban on “reality” television.

  16. I’d definitely say alcohol, surely there’s more jobs in breweries, distillers, etc than there is for football clubs

  17. If you banned alcohol then foot ball might become a fun thing to do again, instead of being drunken thug central.

  18. All football fans drink, but not all drinkers are football fans, therefore banning drinking would piss off the football fans plus all the rest, fair point right?

  19. Personally I rarely drink anymore but I’d be sorta lost without football, but I think a lot more people drink than like football, lots of women who like a glass of wine for instance

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