I’ve always imagined it would probably feel like a bloody nose.

  1. It’s nothing to bad for me personally

    Just worrying about changing sanitary products so you don’t bleed through

  2. It was hell for me in my teenage years… Constant abdominal cramps, heavy bleeding (low Hb just makes it worse), out of control mood swings before the period hit…
    Fungal infections caused by sanitary pads after every single period…

    Started eating iron rich foods in my early twenties and saw a lot of changes…
    Switched to a menstrual cup and bye bye infections…

    Have now figured out what helps with pain and moods so its become a lot easier to manage periods…

  3. Insides feeling like they’re literally trying to claw their way out of of you.

    Can get lightheaded at times, super horny at times, crave greasy foods/chocolate, and feel like you’re leaking through everything, so high paranoia too.

    All in all, just a great time to be had.

  4. For me literally nothing. The only reason I know I’ve got my period is the bleeding. And then it’s really just the stress of making sure I don’t bleed through anything since I never know if it will be a lot of blood or hardly any.

  5. The mood swings are bad. You don’t notice your mood changing until the person or people closest to you mention it. Once they become intense enough it’s like the world is crashing down. And I can get clinical level depression from it

    The cramps are like if someone socked you in your lower gut and can combine with bloating and number 2 bathroom runs. It’s like really bad muscle soreness, enough to curl up and not want to move. Luckily pain meds help me. After the first day or two the pain goes away

    The blood itself feels like I’m sitting or standing in my own filth. It feels like I just peed myself and wanting to clean up constantly. After the first 3 or so days the flow lessens up to where I don’t need to change pads as often. From about every few hours to about two or three times a day. By day 6 or so I usually don’t need any sort of pads. Nighttime sucks because the blood pools up down there and can leak into my clothing if it’s heavy enough

    About a week or two before my skin gets more and more greasy. Right before I have to constantly wash my face and it still feels icky. And then the greasiness lasts about a week afterwards. I get one good week where I don’t feel gross in between

  6. You know that feeling you get when you eat something bad? You know, it feels like your insides are shredding themselves? That’s kinda what a period feels like.

  7. Cramps so bad that I curl in a ball. Feeling like you’re birthing a baby octopus when you sneeze or cough. Days of heavy bleeding. Period poops (because all the cramping gives me the runs).

    Then there’s the hormones, I swing between sadness and rage for no reason.

  8. Like someone’s inside my body punching my womb constantly abd random stabbing in between just to make me jump in suprise. That’s not including the fatigue, the mood swings and the cravings for junk. That’s just a little bit for you to taste the experience.

  9. Constant bloating. All of a sudden 3x more tired than before. Stomache is much more sensitive to what you eat/more easily get stomacheaches. Always feel like you’re leaking. Period poops are pretty gross.

  10. You know when you get those “I need to do #2” bad cramps? Yeah, the pain is 10x worse than that…

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