Say you’re in the beginning stages of a relationship and things are going well, would you ever intentionally pull back to see how he responds? I feel like this happens to me sometimes and I always fail the “test.”

  1. Many women do this in the early dating stages, but only very young and very insecure women do this regularly once already in a relationship. It’s usually not conscious behavior though.

  2. Not as a test. Anyone who is running tests on you is gross. Sometimes I’m naturally going to pull back or mention other people I’m dating. It’s not a test, it’s just me and it isn’t worth hiding because it’ll be a problem down the road if I do.

  3. I think testing is immature. If I pull back, it wouldn’t be due to a “test” but because of life circumstances or busyness. In that sense I guess you’d be “testing the relationship” but I wouldn’t go into it thinking it was some purposeful test.

  4. Nothing scares a girl off faster than neediness. It doesn’t need to be tested; it becomes very apparent very quickly if a guy (or anyone for that matter) can’t stand on his own two figurative feet. If you’re being used as a crutch, you will feel the weight on you.

  5. I think that testing someone at any stage of dating is immature. HOWEVER, I find it useful to disagree in a small way when setting up a date. Something like asking to meet at a different time because I work late on Thursday or suggesting coffee instead of dinner. I always have a legit reason, but I always politely ask to change something instead of bending over backwards to accommodate him. If a guy throws a fit over it or is unable to respect my small request, then I know that we might not be a good match.

  6. Not all women. But yeah a lot them esp younger ones have these weird test their man stuff in their heads

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