Women who have tried Brazilian waxing before how much did it hurt?

  1. Use sugar wax… it’s not painless, but it doesn’t hurt either… or maybe I’m just used to it… either way… it’s worth it for the results!

  2. It’s fine for me, it helps if you take an over the counter pain pill about half an hour before and being hydrated makes a difference too.

    It’s definitely more painful during period week, but I’ve never screamed or found it unbearable.

  3. A lot, and twice I have had a piece of skin ripped off with the wax. I still have scars. But how dumb was I to try it again after having a bad experience?

  4. It hurts but it is not that bad, you get used to it.
    Tip: shave your hair and then wait until it grows about 1 cm and then go waxing. I think that is the optimal lenght for waxing bc if it is too short they won’t be able to wax it and if it’s too long it will hurt more bc of the pulling.

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