I’m an 19m and I’m supposed to be hanging out with this girl I met at college, but I’m kinda nervous. I was thinking about drinking before going out.

  1. we don’t know you bro but probably like 2-3 drinks? That’s the nice point where I feel a small buzz but it wouldn’t be obvious to anyone else that I’ve been drinking

  2. You shouldn’t drink any alcohol before meeting her. Everyone’s nervous when hanging out with somone new. It’s only natural.

  3. I wouldn’t really recommend drinking anything, nerves before what I assume is a date essentially, are completely normal. You want to know that you feel comfortable with someone because they’re comfortable to be around, not because you’ve had something to drink, same with if (just assuming given the sub you’ve posted to) you end up having sex, you don’t want it to feel like it has only gone well because you’ve had a drink. She has obviously agreed to hang out with you so something has endeared her to you so just go, be nervous, and then see if you mellow

  4. Umm, don’t. I understand your nervousness, but this is an almost sure fire way to blow the date. Firstly, she will definitely notice… and secondly, there are few things more annoying than a sober person hanging out with a non sober person.

    Also, perhaps this is just me, but being nervous around a new person is part of the experience and with the right attitude, can become an enjoyable aspect of life. That is how you know whether or not you really like them or not. Try to embrace your emotions instead of seeking to dull them.

  5. One drink. Absolutely no more or you’ll blow it.

    Two or three drinks before sex is optimal depending on your tolerance, IF you’re young and get hard/come easily. I call the increased insurance “boozecock”, the upside of whiskydick from too much.

  6. As stated, try a wank. Too many drinks, even to kill nerves, could be a bad first impression. Also, you may look and smell drunk.

  7. One or two beers. It’ll be enough to relax you just enough, and not get noticeably drunk, which might be a turn-off. Being a bit nervous is OK. But when I need to take the edge off, two beers or thereabouts is the sweet spot.

  8. Drink one pint of water an hour before the date. Style your hair and tell the mirror “my mommy says I’m a handsome little man” 30 times. Brush your teeth. Drink 4 oz of ice water right before you go to meet her. Ask her to tell you stories. You got this!

  9. As a lot of people already said it’s better if you don’t drink. But if at some point you feel really nervous you could suggest the girl to drink something, being drunk together is definitly more fun 🙂

  10. If you’re scared of fucking it up, drinking is only going to make it easier to fuck up. Like many have said, jacking off is muuuch more effective.

  11. Do not drink. That would be an instant turn off from a female’s point of view. If my date showed up intoxicated I would immediately leave.

  12. You shouldn’t be drinking bro, just remember, she poops like you poop, she’s not anymore human than you are. Remembering that always calms my social anxiety

  13. I see a lot of people commenting on how you shouldn’t drink. For some people like myself, anxiety can be overwhelming and doesn’t really allow my true self to shine through.

    When I first met my gf, I was beyond nervous when hanging out with her. I would have two small beers on my way to meeting her, and I was honest about it.

    Told her that I get really nervous around her, so I helped myself with a beer. She found it endearing.
    It helped me relax and be myself, but I made sure not to overdo it.

    You should not get drunk or shit faced, that will just leave a bad impression. If it makes you feel more relaxed, have a drink or two max. Wash your teeth, have a gum.

  14. That’s an unhealthy way to deal with nerves. Do some push-ups to get rid of the nervousness, redirect that energy.

  15. the fact that you are asking this implies that you don’t usually drink, because you don’t know the amount that’s right for you to reduce anxiety, if you don’t know then don’t risk it, it’s likely you’ll overdrink and turn into a drunken mess.

  16. Only enough to suppress the nerves, but don’t get a buzz going. Maybe 1 drink or half a drink if you’re a lightweight. You still want to present your true self.

  17. I wouldn’t recommend it, for the following reasons:

    1. You might behave worse than you otherwise would and make a fool of yourself or make her uncomfortable.
    2. Alcohol complicates consent.
    3. Alcohol can cause erectile problems and lower sexual sensitivity.
    4. It’s frankly rude and disrespectful to show up to a date already intoxicated.

  18. if you do drink, just drink a little. as in no more than like 3 beers max. assuming those beers are something with lower alc. in it like coors.

  19. Of course youre nervous, embrace it. You should be. Youre hanging out with a girl!! EMBRACE IT

  20. Don’t. It will cloud your jugdement and, if things go further, could prevent you from having nice, proper erection.

  21. Everybody is saying don’t drink before hand, but I’m DEFINITELY had a few drinks before meeting somebody new. That shit can be nerve wracking, and alcohol can really ease those nerves . The key is to not over do it know your limit. You want to feel relaxed, not feel drunk, or even tipsy really. Just the beginning feel good stages of drinking and that level
    All depends on you personally. Everybody has different tolerances

  22. Do not drink before meeting up! I showed up for a date to someone who though I will just have 1 drink to chill the nerves… by the time our date started and I meet him he was drunk. It was the shortest date I have ever been on. Also before someone asks I wasn’t late I was actually early and drove myself since it was a blind date. Waste of time getting ready. Just look up some talking points or better yet ask them some questions. Show that you really care to get to know them.

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