i (15f) am completely enamored with a guy in my film class. my friend think’s he’s boring, but there’s just something about him. idk what it is. he’s attentive in class and his answers are thorough and he seems nice. i don’t know how to start a conversation with him though. we know completely different people, listen to completely different music, i don’t think he even knows my name. there’s been no opportunity for group work in class yet and he sits all the way in the back, meanwhile i’m literally in the second row. i have no idea how to talk to him. i’ve never had the chance. he probably doesnt even know i exist, much less my name. yet i know his. i feel so creepy. my friend told me to ask the teacher to do my a solid and let me sit next to him but i just feel like that would be too obvious. there’s no reason my teacher would do a random seat change and if he only changed mine it would be very suspicious. please tell me what to do. don’t say just talk to him.

  1. Ok… so he’s probably noticed you. Think about it like this… what if he’s thinking the same way as you? Just go for it, what’s the worst that can happen?

  2. I mean you don’t have to start in person. I’ve (m) got some female friends that I never talk to in school but we have night chats on Instagram. It’s always easier if you’re behind a screen.

  3. Okay some advice for you, don’t be shy or to bold just start a conversation maybe have him join you four lunch, start spending time with him finding out about his interests and share yours. If you don’t speak to each other you’ll only wonder about what could have been. Take it slow start with a simple hello and introduce yourself. Use humour if you can and jut have confidence.

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