Hello! I am not sure this is the right subreddit for this question but I really need help with getting accustomed to the gym. I am a newbie to the gym but I want to start training for my mental and physical health. However, I feel terrified of going because I won’t have a gym buddy and I don’t really know how to use most of the gym equipment. Looking stupid is my biggest fear and also I’m extremely self-conscious about my body and I don’t want strangers to judge how unfit I actually am. Do you have any suggestions how to make the experience less scary and uncomfortable? I don’t know how to act in the gym or what exactly is the gym culture.
I don’t want to give up on going like I did for so many other activities just because of my anxiety.

  1. It’s important to remember that you care way more about how you look than anybody else does.

    I felt the same way going to the gym for the first time. The reality is that everyone is there to put on their headphones, do their workout, and leave. Most people won’t look at you twice, and if anything, people can be quite helpful.

    The bigger issue is knowing what exercises to do, and doing them with good form so you don’t injure yourself! Have you considered going to a group class or getting a trainer? If those are out of the question, I’d suggest starting with some basic exercises (no weights or equipment) so that you build the habit of going regularly – treadmills, stretching, bodyweight exercises, etc.

  2. I go around after one hour when gym opens, early in the morning. That way there are no people and equipment are mostly unoccupied. Plus I know for sure that if I don’t go in the morning I’ll be lazy in the afternoon after work to go there. It takes a bit of time to get the schedule going though. Good luck.

  3. You will always look stupid it’s our way of connecting with surrounding its a dialogue. You want to improve so your dialogue says you are not good that’s it. Just go for a week, and just notice the difference between day one and day 7. It will get better if you continue if you stop then just imagine whenever you start then it’s going to be a total reset. To be honest, try to talk to people, almost everyone is a bit afraid, unless you are a narcissist.

  4. Hi! Just wanted to let you know you’re not alone! I have decided this year I will start going to the gym alone aswell. I do have to admit I’m a bit scared.

    I have no idea how to use most equipment either, so I decided I’d start with a personal trainer to help me figure out what I need to achieve my goals and also teach me out to use the equipment. Maybe you could try that! It definitely makes the whole thing look less scary and confusing to me. There should also be gym staff ready to help you out if you need it!

    As for the other people, from opinions I gathered most of them are there to work on themselves just like you. They are not there to judge others (or at least most of them shouldn’t be, there’s always a chance for assholes but you should just ignore them). They were once a begginer too and understand how hard it is.

    Lastly, remember: You chose to do this. If you’re feeling awkward because you’re learning an exercise, think you’re doing it wrong and that others are judging you, ask yourself: In 1 month, would you rather be sat on your couch, thinking of how you almost made it but quit due to fear of 1 person’s opinion (who has absolutely no ability to impact your life unless you allow them to) or be at the gym, now mastering that exercise, feeling physically stronger and mentally happier. Maybe even found a gym buddy that tends to go around the same time as you.

    You’re not afraid to mess up and ask for help anymore because you’ve conquered your fears and feel much more confident. Sure, you might do things wrong in the beginning and “look stupid” but in the end, you will have learned, improved, be more healthy and fit. Those assholes that were judging you in the beginning? They will be in the same spot. Feeling so bad about themselves that they need to bring others down in order to feel better. Except now they have no effect over you anymore. And you know they never should have. In the end, you won. You’re happy with yourself and that’s what truly matters.

  5. Getting rid of anxiety and the feeling of making a fool of yourself is easy. You have to be ready to make a fool of yourself and accept that it doesn’t matter.

    Noone at the gym will look. Noone at the gym will judge. They are there to work out. Not look at other people.

    If for some reason they do judge, or laugh, or point, or whatever, then that makes THEM look bad. Not you. I have been going to the gym for years and have never once seen anyone judge someone else. Ever. If I did I would judge them.

    Don’t believe everything you think. Go. Do your best even if you are unsure. Google in advance. When you know better, do better. Until then, do your best.

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