What do you use Reddit for?

  1. I look at memes (usually ones my parents would hate because they’re inappropriate) before bed and sometimes when I’m on break at work. I also connect with certain communities on here because I don’t have support irl

  2. Learning, being entertained, and talking with people about very specific interests

  3. Answering questions. Some of them are so much fun to answer.

    Then read gossip too lol on this insta celebrity gossip thread.

    And you can literally read about anything on here, wanna read a horror story, it’s there. Wanna rant about crushes, it’s there!

  4. I don’t like reddit, full of atheist/gamer geeks I don’t relate too at all. I have no idea why I use this thing. I keep looking for alternatives.

  5. Last few years I have used it to learn how to navigate grad school applications. Now I am using it to know more about the city I will be moving to.

    Sure, reddit can be a good source of entertainment but it’s also valuable for advice.

  6. Venting. Killing time. Getting some vague idea of what other people are thinking.

  7. Mostly hating on men and then deleting the app only to inevitably download it again.

  8. Mental health support groups, real time severe weather information, hobbyist groups when I have a question about something (home improvement, cast iron, baking, gardening), and pop culture/meme overviews enough to hold my onw in conversation because I don’t have other social media.

    Sometimes I look at conversations about news and such here, and they are interesting, but I don’t *get* news (or opinions) here.

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