How can I ask the right questions to uncover who someone is early enough into the conversation?

I want a relationship and a life partner so I want to know how I can build those types of expectations

  1. It’s not a job interview. You gotta show your personality and let them show theirs. If you click, you keep going.

    If we could tell if someone was right for us from a questionnaire, life would be very different.

  2. Unfortunately there is no short cut to be taken during the dating process. You need to understand that you’re going to make mistakes and you’re going to get hurt, but instead of seeing these failed connections as a waste of time, see them instead as a lesson to learn how to be a better version of yourself, and to learn more about what you’re looking for. We often have a clear idea of what we don’t want, but we rarely have a good idea of what we want, and dating and relationships help us to develop healthy expectations and boundaries so we can work towards having better relationships.

    Don’t forget that while you’re looking for the right partner, you also need to be the right partner. Dating is as much about finding someone we like, as it is about finding someone who likes us too.

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