Soooo, this is a strange story I think. But to make it short as possible I’ll skip detail.

So anyways I started liking this guy a lot and I thought he liked me too because not only did he call me everyday and we talk for hours, but he also kept telling me he liked me and wanted to hangout and spend time with me.
But when I asked him about dating he said he didn’t want to date me because his mom died recently and he just got out of a relationship so he doesn’t want to date right now. When I told him I felt hurt and led on he told me I was being inconsiderate of what he was going through.

BUT yesterday he posted online that he recently got his heart broken and he was feeling sad. At first I thought he was talking about me, but when he desribed how she looked it was a totally different girl! He said this led him on and made him think that she liked him a lot and he even gave her money to help her pay off a debt. But when he asked to date her he said she changed and said she didn’t want to date him and only saw him as a friend.

So this whole time while be was telling him he couldn’t date me because he was going through a lot because his mom past and his former girlfreind broke up with him, but he was really just pursuing another woman!?

I’m really hurt and feel so shocked. Should I confront him about his post?? My emotions got toyed with, but he only cares that HE got played and doesn’t seem to care how he made me feel. I’m really sad, what should I do?

  1. Whoa there partner, based on language in your title or body text it seems like you may be making a huge generalization or have an agenda.
    Send the mods a message and we will help you reword your post to adhere to our [rules](

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  2. It doesn’t sound like he was playing you. He might’ve lied about his reason, but he didn’t feign romantic interest. You’re just getting hurt because you were rejected.

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