In my country you choose a bachelor degree and then within that degree you choose a major. If someone asks what you did in university, you say “i got a bachelors in computer science”, where as Americans answer is “i majored in computer science” and not their bachelors degree. Ok you majored in whatever field but what degree did u actually achieve?

  1. Sometimes you would word it that way. “I have an associates in computer sciences.”

    Sometimes you do not complete the degree you were pursuing, but the training was sufficient for the work you do.

    Sometimes its implied based on the conversation and context that you completed a bachelors in that particular field.

    Perhaps you even double majored, but only completed a degree in one of them.

    Basically saying you “majored” in something is another way of saying you have studied a particular subject and may have some education on the topic at hand.

  2. It’s always assumed a bachelors unless stated otherwise. If skmeone gets a masters or phd they would say that.

    Also we do say “I got a bachelors in computer science”

    Usualky the majored thing is just while you’re actually in college. IE: what are you majoring in?

    If you graduate and someone asks what your degree was (which is how people would ask, no one would say “what did you do at university?”) people would say “BS in computer science”

  3. It’s assumed that your major equates to a bachelors. If you continue your academic career and get a masters or PhD, most people will specify their advanced degrees.

    There’s also a lot of degrees which are very broad such as business. I have a BBA but that could be anything from corporate law to operations management. So me saying BBA doesn’t help the conversation much.

  4. It’s casual conversation, just indicating what field of study someone specialized in as an undergraduate. The type of degree isn’t important unless you’re applying for a job, in which case it would appear as “bachelor of science in computer science” on their CV.

  5. Many universities do not list the major on the diploma as well. The degree will just say a “Batchelor of Science” for example. No mention of the major.

  6. Because… I have a major and two minors?

    It tells you more about me than just bachelors of engineering.

    It’s also a weird nitpick to go “our country does it correct, yours doesn’t,” op.

  7. Bachelors degree is assumed. The major is typically what your bachelors is in. Not as dense as it seems.

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