Hi I have been going out with my gf for over 2 years now (2 years and we haven’t even watched a tv series together because apparently if anything has more than 1 season it’s rubbish lol) she is a lovely girl and it’s hard to break up with her I feel we have nothing in common I am trying my best to make it work but I’m just tired nothing changes I feel I always have to suggest things to do I always have to make conversation it’s like I’m going out with someone with no brain at all if we go for a meal I’m always the one asking questions I never get asked anything

she spends more time with her friends (most are single btw) than me always brings up the fact we don’t have a car to do things I have things going on in my life and goals I am trying to accomplish a car is not on the top of my list if it’s such a big deal why can’t she learn how to drive ? I just feel I’m never a priority she’ll never wake up and ask what you doing today wanna do something or arrange to do something with me I always have to suggest things I don’t know if this is because she is a stoner or she just doesn’t care or maybe she’s immature because she’s a few years younger than me I don’t know and at this stage I’m tired of it it’s taking a toll on me as a person there is a lot more things I could add to this thread but I don’t wanna bore you guys just want to know if any other guy has been in this situation before

1 comment
  1. Some girls expect the guy to do everything, come up with the ideas, be the one who drives etc but you need to take a step back and ask yourself are you getting the effort you are putting in back from her? Is she affectionate towards you and do you feel important to her?

    As for the going out with friends who are mostly single I mean there’s nothing wrong with that but are you suggesting there’s a lack of trust there?

    I’ve always been a strong believer that if she effort ratio is too much in your favour then it’s always going to be a doomed relationship. Not saying thats the case here though

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