There is this one girl that likes me and has clearly said it to me but I don’t like her that way , our friends take pics of us when she puts her head on my shoulder and shit but I don’t like it and I’ve tried to make her stop but it doesn’t work at al

Edit: the things I’ve tried are

Say it directly to her face that I don’t wanna date her

Make it clear that I see her as my sister

Make it clear that I don’t like to have my photos clicked

Say it to her that being touchy is no good

  1. Your time to shoot her down was when she “clearly said it to you.”

    Now, just keep telling her how much she reminds you of your brother/sister and suggest other guys she should date.

  2. “Quit fucking touching me like I’ve asked you”. And continually seat/stand yourself out of arms reach of her, no matter how obvious. Like it she sits next to you close enough to put her head on your shoulder, get up and sit somewhere else.

  3. “I’m not romantically interested in you and stop resting your head on my shoulder. It makes me uncomfortable.”

    If she can’t respect that, ditch the polite tone and tell her to leave you alone.

  4. Ignore her messages /calls . When you see her change directions or leave the room . When she comes to your place just say your about to leave the house and you don’t want her there anymore. Change numbers change houses tell your friends to not tell her about your personal life. Start random arguments lol 😆 you get the point

  5. You need to be specific and address the behavior. You made it clear that you aren’t interested romantically. You should talk to her privately and let her know that you don’t like cuddling and touching your friends like that. Let her know that she may see resting on you as platonic or friendly, but you feel like it’s too intimate for friends.

  6. She sounds pretty messed up if she isn’t taking notice of being told already. She probably thinks you’re just shy/embarrassed but fancy her secretly.
    Tell her you think she needs help because she’s acting like a stalker and it’s freaking you out. That outta do it.

  7. Hypocritical of me to say as I struggle to do the same, but just tell her politely “like a man” you’re not into her like that and her advances make you uncomfortable. It’s tough to do and uncomfortable when you care about other’s feelings, but there comes a time where their feelings have to take a backseat to yours. If she’s not stopping, tell her you’re considering not associating with her anymore. Depending on how she takes it, she may get her friends and yours to turn on you, so I’d suggest telling them immediately after telling her.

  8. Have you tried the reverse of “Would you put up with a guy that likes you not leaving you alone and pushing it?”

  9. Last time I had to do that I just yelled “Eeew Eeeew Eeeew” and ran away.

    Not sure if this is helpfull

  10. Be honest, just say “hey, don’t want u ending up hurt and neither me ending up seeming like I was leading something off of this, so please stop investing urself in me, have a great life”

  11. I’m in my mid 30s now. Learned a lot of things over the years. My advice: just be direct.

    They might not like it, but that isn’t your problem. Being direct is the best way to handle anything, whether at work, in marriage, dating, etc. If they can’t deal with honesty then it’s their problem not yours.

  12. Do us all a solid and don’t “friend zone” her without explaining yourself. Humans in general fucking hate that shit. Don’t lead her on.

  13. Tell her it makes you uncomfortable and if she can’t respect that then tell her to fuck off and leave you alone. It’s creepy to not take no for an answer.

  14. No need to embarrass her. How old are you guys? (I am assuming high school or something)

    Take her aside and tell her if she doesn’t stop.. you rat on her, to her parents, if needed. Firm on that you really want her to stop all these little games. Because who knows, in 2 years she might be the one you badly wanna fuck, if she suddenly grows and unshreks herself in some way lol.

    Give her something to think about: if she says she likes you that much, why is she continuing to make you feel uncomfortable and harass you. What would she gain from it, other than maybe resentment?

  15. Just tell her that you aren’t interested. Also tell her you don’t wanna be with her in a relationship. Just to make it extra clear

    That don’t work? Get a little pissed but stay respectful.

  16. Gross. Tell her even other women find this creepy and she needs to learn about respecting other people’s boundaries. And/or tell her that the way she’s been acting towards you after you’ve been clear about your feelings has made her so unattractive to you now that whatever chance she might have had is completely gone now. Then set a boundary. I do not keep friends who cannot respect my physical and emotional space. If she crosses the boundary again, respond accordingly and then cut her out of your life. Stop attending things when she goes.

    Also talk to your friends and let them know how extremely uncomfortable you are and ask them to stop encouraging it by finding it funny in front of her. You will likely have an easier time if there is group pressure on her to stop being so damn creepy about it. I’m so sorry someone is doing this to you.

  17. There’s tons of comments saying mostly the same thing, can you make a comment/update the post with a list of what you have tried and examples for it?

    Maybe we can be more helpful, sometimes people think they can read body language or that you’re playing hard to get.

    Edit: Could be weird but another thing you can try is showing her this post and saying “You have left me no choice, I can’t find another way to tell you I don’t like you” obvs no need to be rude but don’t say it like you’re trying not to hurt her, stablish the boundary.

  18. She’s obsessed. Be careful. That can turn to hate pretty quickly.

    I got rid of someone who was obsessed with me. He said he’d kill me and himself if I ever left him. Took some time but I acted like a real bitch until he got sick of it and left on his own. Not sure if you have enough time to go through all that but some things you can do are: say she likes cats, start talking about some great cat recipes you like. She says she likes a certain type of music. Say you used to before you grew up. She wants to be a lawyer, doctor, teacher. You hate lawyers, doctors, teachers because they’re so arrogant, or whatever. You get the drift though

  19. It sounds like she can’t take a hint – or even being directly told. You played by the rules and she ignored you. Now it is time for the clue x4.

    Take her aside and tell her to stop it. Be direct.

    If she continues to do it in front of people, tell her to leave you alone. Maybe if she sees you will do this with people there, she might get the hint. She could be doing in front of others hoping you would say anything because you might to to afraid to embarrass her. Make a bit deal about it if you have to – this is no time to be mister nice guy

  20. Keep your distance from her whenever possible as you both have the same circle of friends. The question is how much you value your friendship with her. Some would say cut her off but if you simply want to remain as friends, then maybe have a long serious discussion with her on why she insists on behaving this way around you.

  21. If you’ve told her you’re not interested directly, she HAS to respect that. If she doesn’t respect that then just stop talking to her. If she approaches you and is touchy when you don’t want to, gently push her hands away or move away and tell her you don’t want that. don’t yell at her but be firm about it. Kind of like “I told you I don’t want you to do that, you need to stop.”.

  22. This may get downvotes but ghost her man. The slightest bit of attention you give her (whether positive or negative) will be a glimmer of hope in her eyes. Do not respond to any texts/calls from her and if you know she is going to be at a social event with you and your friends; simply avoid her. She will get the hint eventually and will stop trying.

  23. Next time she touches you, push her off. Not send her flying across the room, but very firmly and not at all playfully remove her from you. If she continues, raise your voice. Give her a “STOP. I already asked you to STOP TOUCHING ME” that gets the attention of everyone else in the room. You don’t magically lose the right to personal and physical boundaries simply for being male. Judging by your post and comments, the time for being polite to her is *well* past. Polite respect is for people that reciprocate it, and she is being actively impolite and disrespectful to you. If she won’t stop harassing you, avoid her. She approaches you? Walk away. Sits next to you? Move somewhere else. People ask you to hang out? Ask if she’ll be there or not, and if so, tell them you’re not coming and that her and her actions are why. This situation is her fault, you aren’t a bad person for pinning it on her until she makes the necessary changes to respect you.

    Same goes for your “friends” (though they don’t much sound like it). If you haven’t chewed them out yet, do so next time they take pictures. Be firm, be forceful, and don’t back down even if they push back. If they refuse to stop encouraging her harrassment, drop them too. If they ask you to hang out, ask if they’re going to take pictures. If they can’t give you a certain “no” then decline the invitation and make it clear that it’s because they’re perpetuating her harassment by partaking in it themselves. If they tell you “no” but do it anyways, call them out on lying and then avoid them as well.


    Whatever you say and do, make sure you say it in no uncertain terms and do not ever back down from it. The only thing worse than taking no stand is people realizing that even if you *do* take a stand, you’re insincere and unwilling to back it up. Draw your line in the sand and stand by it. People will push you as far as you let them, so don’t let them. Have the respect for yourself that they won’t have for you. The situation will not get better by ignoring it, and your response to it now will very much dictate how *many* other situations in the future go, and not just with this friend group.


    Yes, I know how much easier it is for me to sit here and write this than it is to actually carry it out, but I also know first hand just how vitally important it is to know where your line in the sand is for personal boundaries and self respect is and to stand by it. People will try to make you look and feel like the bad guy for doing so, but just remember that having self respect doesn’t make you a bad person. Attempting to ignore or shame you for having self respect makes *them* bad people.

  24. Are you seeing someone? If you bring a gf to an event that might do it for her. If you are desperate bring a Tinder date and say you have been going out for months now.

    I once tried to be direct and ended crushing the girl’s soul. Maybe try ti be nice one more time? Like hug her and tell her you wish her a good life or something

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