Hi, Me (Male) and my best friend (Female) have been friends for years. We are really close and do loads of things together and I’m currently really worried. All of her relationships seem to end in with arguments and her getting insulted. She has just gotten out of one and has instantly gone back to one of her ex’s that she has dated may times and it didn’t work out because of arguments and fighting and him genially not respecting her. Whenever I’m with my best friend now and her ex is around, I can’t even talk to her cause he pushes himself Infront of me and begins to flirt. I’m not sure how my friend feels about it, but I can’t even talk to her cause I feel like I’m getting in the way. Someone help me.

  1. You should tell her that you don’t think this guy is good for her… that you want to see her with someone who respects her.

    And then just be there and support her if she makes a bad decision. Even if it is super predictable.

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