I’m seeing this girl for the second time tomorrow and spending the night at her place. We had sex a week ago. This was my first time in more than 2 years. Naturally, I’m a bit conscious about doing something that will make her feel weird.

We have a bunch of things planned for tomorrow, roleplay, soft bdsm. We both discussed what we wanted and what we are not comfortable with.

I plan to have a shower before going to her place but want to ask if she wants to have one with me. Would this action be considered as something a bit too intimate for someone you are seeing for the second time? Discussing sex with her was easy enough, I just don’t want this to be construed as something a bit too intimate because we have already decided we are going to see other people too.

Am I overthinking this too much and should I just ask or not ask it?

  1. I wouldn’t worry, if you guys already are thinking and talking about doing some stuff I’m sure she won’t mind if you ask about the shower idea. But if she says no, don’t take it to heart and focus on the other ideas you guys had planned.

  2. If you guys have fucked already AND planned out roleplays and bdsm stuff, taking a shower together is nothing. Just ask her

  3. Maybe do the things you planned to do, then afterwards or the next morning say I’m going to shower, would you like to join me? It’s a more shuttle way instead of coming right out saying will you shower with me

  4. Shower sex is terrible FYI. It’s not as bad for us guys but it’s slippery, full of hard surfaces, you have to support her all the time and on the wet floor… The water washes away all the natural lube and it’ll just feel weird.

    If you just gonna shower then alright

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